00006:2020-01-28 婚姻免税额” (Marriage allowance)

英国是个高税的国家. 高工资 High Tax Payer 最多要交 40%的税, 一般情况下税前高个几K收入的增加也许税后的差别就只有几十英镑.,这就是我为什么坚持不要钱袋加班,8小时程序猿干完就回家,不想拼命;也不要钱袋跳槽的原因。再说你通过跳槽是无法达到阶级升级的,还不如综合考虑,安定团结的以家庭为本,什么阶级的人都有有自己的家人,这是确定无疑的。


“婚姻免税额” (Marriage allowance),是英国自2015年4月6日实施的一项政策:夫妻之间的一方如果自己一年的免税额度用不完,(You must be married or in a civil partnership – *living together doesn’t count)

2019/20 £12,500, 最多可以转让12500的10%额度,就是1250,(最多250英镑)
2018/2019 £11,850 ,最多可以转让11850的10%额度,就是1190,(最多238英镑)
2017/2018 £11,500 ,最多可以转让11500的10%额度,就是1150,(最多230英镑)
2016/17 £11,000 ,最多可以转让11000的10%额度,就是1100,(最多220英镑)
2015/16 £10,600 ,最多可以转让10600的10%额度,就是1060,(最多212英镑)


英国政府的在线退税额计算页面: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/marriage-allowance-application/benefit-calculator/
If you cannot claim online, you can telephone HMRC on 0300 200 3300 or write to them to make the claim.

在具体申请时,需要由收入低的一方递交申请。需要提供住址,出生日期,NI Number等信息。一旦申请成功,自“婚姻免税额”实施后的年份可以回溯申请税款,但2015年之前的年份就不可以回溯了。

2020年4月5日之前去申请,可以追溯到2015/2016 ,5年下来1150英镑呢,但肉少也是肉,再说英国羊毛现在也没有什么可薅的了。

2015/16 - £212
2016/17 - £220
2017/18 - £230
2018/19 - £238
2019/20 - £250

2019/20 tax year: the personal allowance was £12,500, meaning £1,250 (rounded up) can be transferred (maximum £250 tax saving).
2018/19 tax year: the personal allowance was £11,850, meaning £1,190 (rounded up) can be transferred (maximum £238 tax saving).
2017/18 tax year: the personal allowance was £11,500, meaning £1,150 can be transferred (maximum £230 tax saving).
2016/17 tax year: the personal allowance was £11,000, meaning £1,100 can be transferred (maximum £220 tax saving).
2015/16 tax year: the personal allowance was £10,600, meaning £1,060 can be transferred (maximum £212 tax saving).

*Unemployed partners also qualify for the scheme.


What are the time limits for claiming back tax?
You have four years from the end of the tax year in which the overpayment arose to claim a refund, as shown below. If a claim is not made within the time limit you will lose out on any refund that may be due and the tax year becomes 'closed' to claims.

Tax year 2015/16 (year ended 5 April 2016) – claim by 5 April 2020
Tax year 2016/17 (year ended 5 April 2017) – claim by 5 April 2021
Tax year 2017/18 (year ended 5 April 2018) – claim by 5 April 2022
Tax year 2018/19 (year ended 5 April 2019) – claim by 5 April 2023

Are you married or in a civil partnership?yes

Were you and your partner born after 5 April 1935?yes

Do you live in Scotland?No

Is your income less than £12,500 a year?yes
This is your total earnings from all employment, pensions, benefits, trusts, rental income, including dividend income above your Dividend Allowance – before any tax and National Insurance is taken off.

Is your partner’s income between £12,501 and £50,000 a year?yes
This is their total earnings from all employment, pensions, benefits, trusts, rental income, including dividend income above their Dividend Allowance – before any tax and National Insurance is taken off.

Do you want to apply for Marriage Allowance?yes

Marriage Allowance
You are currently helping your partner benefit from Marriage Allowance.

Backdated payments can take up to 8 weeks to process.

Cancel Marriage Allowance
If you have divorced or ended your civil partnership, you can cancel Marriage Allowance online. If you are currently separated, you can still receive Marriage Allowance until you legally end your marriage or civil partnership.

You can also cancel to stop payments if you are still married or in a civil partnership, but no longer want to benefit from Marriage Allowance.

Cancel Marriage Allowance
Your Marriage Allowance claims
Tax year Status
2019 to Present Active
2018 to 2019 Applied for Marriage Allowance retrospectively
2017 to 2018 Applied for Marriage Allowance retrospectively
2016 to 2017 Applied for Marriage Allowance retrospectively
2015 to 2016 Applied for Marriage Allowance retrospectively

00006:2020-01-28 婚姻免税额” (Marriage allowance)_第1张图片

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