英语流利说-Level2·Unit3·Part3-Angela's Cold

Angela's Cold

I didn't see Angela today.

Did she come to the office.

No, she didn't, she stay at home. She is sick.

Sick? What's wrong with her?

She has a bad sore throat and a headache.

She is stay in bed.

Oh, that's too bad.

She looked fine yesterday.

She was fine yesterday, but last night, she got wet in the rain.

Didn't she have an umbrella?

No, she didn't.

So she really got wet.

It's a long walk from the subway to her home.

She didn't get home until late.

It was really raining last night.

I got wet too.

And I have my umbrella.

It was that strong wind.

My umbrella wasn't much help either.

Still, it was better than nothing.

Anyway, when you see her, tell her to get better soon.

We miss her the office.

There is also an important meeting the day after tomorrow.

I hope she can be there.

Ok, I'll call her and let her know.

If she can't be here, we can set up a conference call.

So, please let me know.

I will.

There's going to be an important meeting.

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