Rich kids

Rich kids

Lifestyles of the rich and infamous


道德难题 moral conundrum

经济繁荣 economic boom

不平等 inequality

狂妄的小子 arrogant brats

富二代 the second-generation rich

羡慕和厌恶的混合体 a mixture of envy and revulsion

驾驶豪车 drive outragenously posh cars

发布炫富的照片 post ostentatious pictures

引发批评 arise a storm of critisim

主要的标准 main criterion

遏制享乐主义的生活方式 curb hedonistic ways

爱国、守法和艰苦奋斗 be patriotic,law-abiding,and hard-working

政界很好的人脉的家族 politically well-connected families

从零开始 from scratch

介于两者之间 fall somewhere in between

持续进行的反贪腐运动  ongoing anti-corruption campaign

使收敛,使缓和 tone down



They should be guided, he said, "to think about where their wealth comes from" and be patriotic, law-abiding and hard-working.


Some of them post ostentatious pictures and vulgar rants about their exploits on social media.


第一段 通过中国贫富差距的现象,引入问题富人该如何养育孩子?

第二段 引出阐述富二代现象(the second-generation rich),是一种令人羡慕和厌恶的群体(a mixture of envy and revulsion)

第三段 以王思聪为例,具体阐述富二代的炫富行为(drive outrageously posh cars and post ostentatious picture and vulgar rants)

第四段 政府对富二代现象的引导,希望爱国,守法和艰苦奋斗

第五段 以王大琪为例,说明富二代的真实生活

第六段 以另一些富二代为例,说明他们怎么看待钱从哪里来这个问题

第七段 上接第六段

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