In this year’s Victoria’s Secret Show, we saw someone familiar but also distant.
She looks familiar, because she has been a major pillar of this show.
She seems distant, because she once disappeared from this stage all of a sudden.
Many new fans of Victoria’s Secret may not even know her.
它就是被大家称为 KK 的卡丽·克劳斯 。
She is Karlie Kloss. And people call her KK.
On this year’s show, she outshone everyone on the stage with her spiritual white hair and that outfit as an elf queen.
1992年出生的 KK,虽然年仅25岁,却已经是维密的多年御用天使。
KK was born in 1992. Though as young as 25, she has been a favorite model of Victoria’s Secret for many years.
同时也是维密签的第一个90后,而且位列“世界超模排名top 30”。
She is also the first post-90s who got signed by VS. And she is among the Top 30 Supermodels of the World.
KK 在2015年的T台收入高达500万美元,也就是人民币千万级,相当于中国好多白领300年的工资。
In 2015, KK’s income from the stage reached as high as 5 million dollars, which means tens of millions of RMB and equals to 300 years’ worth of salary of many ordinary Chinese white-collar workers.
In Forbes’ List of Models with the Highest Incomes, she ranked 11th.
不过 KK 并没有止步于此,她深知脸蛋和青春是靠不住的。所以坚定地选择在这个看脸的行当成为异类。
But KK didn’t stopped just there. She knew that you can’t rely on your face or your youth forever. So she made her mind to become an outlier in this beauty-worshiping industry.
For example, when she was still a model, she opened a cookie store in New York and became a business owner.
这家店叫 Karlie's Kookies (她喜欢把C写成自己的K)
This brand is called Karlie’s Kookies. (She likes replacing C with her K.)
Every now and then she would go to the store and lend a helping hand.
And she came up with cool ideas quite often.
Outside of my modelling career,
I have a cookie line.
And I thought
it’d be cool to deliver cookies via drone.
Besides this, she took advantage of her high income to do investment. And she did it with flying colors.
For example, she once invested 1.9 million dollars in a real estate in New York and made a neat profit of 2 million dollars 3 years later. That was as much as 2 years’ worth of bank interest.
Apart from real estate, she also invested her money in revolutionary environmentally friendly fashion brand. And she made her self the brand face.
But if this was all that is, then she wouldn't be so different from all those ordinary idols.
KK 真正与众不同的,是她还热衷于投资硅谷的高科技公司,
What really makes KK so extraordinary is that she also invested a lot in the high-tech companies in Silicon Valley.
这一方面是因为这里的新兴公司的确有潜力,另一方面是因为 KK 有这方面的专业背景。
On one hand it’s because these emerging companies do have potentials, on the other hand it’s because KK has the relevant knowledge of this field.
没错,KK 其实是个喜欢打代码的技术宅。
Yes, KK is a techy otaku who loves coding.
Who said all STEM girls are unfashionable?
And this was the very reason for her to decide to leave Victoria’s Secret in 2014.
Her original words back then were like this:
After traveling to so many places, I realized that what I really should invest in is myself.
And this is the charm of education. It’s a chance to make a deep investment in yourself.
I need to find the balance between my study and my career. So I decide to leave modelling for a while and go back to college.
So she went to New York University.
It’s a famous school in downtown New York.
And what she studied there was computer science and business management.
This choice in major has 2 reasons.
首先,这是因为 KK 本来就对这些感兴趣。
First, these 2 had been what KK was interested in.
Second, she thought only by doing this could she make better investment in Silicon Valley.
And her efforts turned out to be worthy, because her income in 2016 was over 25 million dollars. It’s 5 times of what she earned as a model.
除此之外呢,KK 认为变身成码农不光能让自己的事业更顺利,同时也能让自己成为一个更独立、更自由的女性:
Besides all these, KK thinks becoming a programmer can not only make her career run better but also make herself a woman with greater independence and more freedom.
To be able to code gives you the freedom to build anything
and that is just so empowering.
And she didn’t just do this herself. She established a special scholarship.
It’s called Koding with Karlie Kloss Scholarship
这个奖学金专门提供给18岁以下、喜欢编程的女孩子,让她们能在编程界名校 Flatiron School学习为期2周的课程。
This scholarship is specially offered to girls under 18 who loves to code. It makes them able to take a 2-week course in Flatiron School which is quite a famous school in the world of programmers.
She told the girls:
Learning coding is not only about job.
It’s also about getting your voice and impact in the center of the future world.
In the IT industry which is dominated by men, girls should have the right to have conversations with the future.
She is right, because things like this are really happening worldwide.
In the countryside of India and some Southeastern Asian country, women have a very low social status.
Some NGOs led a few women to learn how to code and made them capable of doing some outsourcing work remotely back home.
And the result is these women became the main bread winner in their homes and thus acquired respect.
So, yes,
there is nothing which deserves your investment more than yourself.
Because there is nothing more reliable than your own skills.
Beauty and stamina will both abandon you eventually. But the abilities you accumulated won’t.