How smart is the play writer of Shakespeare in Love?
先传送下莎翁情史的剧情简介· · · · · ·
伊丽莎白一世时期的英国,处处有风花雪月的娱乐活动,然而莎士比亚(约瑟夫•费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)此时却陷入了创作的枯竭期。他笔下的《罗密欧与海盗之女阿丝》因此搁浅。薇拉夫人(格温妮斯•帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)的出现可谓一石激起千 层浪。她酷爱话剧,不顾女人不能登台的世俗观念,不惜女扮男装前来参演莎士比亚的戏剧。莎士比亚洞悉了薇拉夫人的秘密。他从她身上强烈感受到创作的灵感,闻出爱情来到的味道。二人共坠爱海。他笔下开始有了罗密欧与茱丽叶熠熠生辉的故事。好景不长,薇拉要嫁入一个贵族人家。莎士比亚的创作如有神助,感情却陷入无望。但他还在努力用笔,用真情,去改写这一切。
This movie gives much background information about Shakespeare : his best friends, his living ages, and his muse.It was natural to see a lot of familiar big names in the movie, like the actor who played Paris, a famous actor Colin Firth who played King in the movie of < King’s speech >.As this movie is about the greatest writer in English literature, these famous actors did show great performance skills in terms of playing out the characters and emotions.
But Instead of focusing on the performance of these great players. The language genius of the play writer is more worthwhile to appreciate. I bet he must have read thousands of times of Shakespeare’s plays so that he can wave the famous quotes from movies in a smart and beautiful way.A lot of thematic quotes In were waved so smartly into this movie.I can capture so many familiar quotes in a day. I really liked this one monologue that was used in the movie. I managed to find a bit of the text of the monologue of Romeo :
"What light is light, if Silvia be not seen,
What joy is joy, if Silvia be not by? Unless it be to think that she is by
And feed upon the shadow of perfection.
…except I be by Silvia in the night,
There is no music in the nightingale.
Unless I look on Silvia in the day,
There is no day for me to look upon."
When Mercutio died, he cursed his friend ’s family by saying “A plague in both of your house.” Rather, the writer makes the sentence comes from the mouth of a Puritan who scolds the drama and theater which so appropriately fit the context. When Will showed up the balcony scene, I did not expect that he said "I am fortunate ’s fool “ which was originally was said by Romeo when he killed Tybalt to revenge for his best friend Mercutio."Oh I am fortunes' fool” and "If you were married, my grave is going to be the wedding bed” was repeated to strengthen the profound love. It makes me understand the reason why the quotes are classic is that it is transferable, applicable to all the contexts.
The writer inherited the tradition of playing with words like "The bill? and not the billing, the bill” makes people just burst it out by the amusement. The extreme metaphor like "Whose soul is stronger than the ocean" is a little bit extravagant but so pleasant to hear as it is so rare in the modern world today.
编剧也继承了莎翁的语言技巧:“ bill”,“ billing”的混淆,另人不禁捧腹。而像“女性的灵魂比海洋更深邃”的隐喻,有一点点奢侈的夸张,而又那么的令人愉快。因为现在这个世界,这样的语言真的很少见了。这样抑扬顿挫的语言,充满诱惑力的对白,伴着他们的肢体动作,配合上男女主角深情的眼神,这样的煽情,让人很容易产生想恋爱的念头,即使他们身处贞操观念浓厚的时代。兴许莎翁如果看了这部剧,也会对这样的改编和拍摄感到满意吧!