Challenge's updates x3 and my two cents about co-curriculum


Challenge's updates x3 and my two cents about co-curriculum_第1张图片

Firstly, before I start chatting about co-curriculum, I want to have a quick updates of my Wake Up challenge.

12th day( 18-1-2017)-Success .Woke up ahahah

13th day (19-1-2017)-failed.woke up late , cause  keep talking with my senior the night before till 2am.

14th day (20-1-2017)-1/2 success. Have a pretty nice chat with my mate in Fudan , chatting thru wechat for an hour should measure our friendship XD

15th day (21-1-2017)- 1/2 success. Night out with friends @ inti and then sleep almost at 2am. One thing I did right is to use my old phone as alarm and I did woke up however ,sleep back almost an hour later haizz . However , decent dream that night, hehe.

The score now is 8.5/15 . A close match yea, is like 6 days left and I need 5 days more .

Now bout co-curriculum or what we call more familiarly co-co XD.

Since enter college and universities, no matter is in Sunway , Fudan or Inti , there is people who goes club just because they want to have a decent picture on their resume when they graduated or the network gain from the society.

I do not say this thoughts were wrong , however the main idea of the coco thingy is develop your own interest beside your co-curriculum .From my point of view, we can do particular anything as our co-curriculum activities .Just ,the main point is, the activity should be what you are passionate on ,what you can keep on putting effort until burning the midnight oil as well as doing it when you are drowsy and dizzy.

Yup , what I am doing now which is keeping an ''alive" blog will also be a type of co-curriculum activity.

We can do well and ace or should I say eventually paint your resume brighter with such co-curriculum ,just that you need to make sure efforts is poured into it and make it perfect. I did heard stories that people who play and trained for video games when they are free being recruit by computer related companies.

So, keep faith on what you are interest and I am sure you will end up  well . Oh, and a great farewell wish from me to my previous high school co-curriculum director En. Nagayaya ,just want to say Thank you so much for your contribution to Yu Hua and we love you .XD

Boon the Malaysian


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