#口语粉碎机# L1 Day59

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day59【打卡序列03】

1. 你关心你的工作多于关心我。【重点】

翻译:You care more about your work than you do about me.

答案:You care more about your work than you do about me.


2. 我比你了解他。

翻译:I know him better than you do.

答案:I know him better than you do.


3. 我了解他比了解你更多。

翻译:I know him better than you.

答案:I know him better than you.


4. 他把车停错了地方,因此被罚了款。

翻译:He parked the car at the wrong place so that he got penalty.

答案:He parked in the wrong place, so he was fined.

解析:park本身就是停车的意思,加上the car显得重复累赘。被罚款be fined.


*fine  v.

to charge someone an amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law处…以罚款;处…以罚金

Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily

*penalty n.

a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law刑罚,惩罚,处罚

The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.

5. 你认为我们班周末出去郊游怎么样?

翻译:what do you think of our class having an excursion at weekends?

答案:What do you think of our class going out for an outing this weekend?

解析:出去郊游going out for an outing

6. 把你放大镜借我用用。(提示词:magnify)

翻译:Would you mind lend the magnifying len to me?

答案:Lend me your magnifying glass.


7. 这种情况要小心处理。

翻译:This case need managing carefully.

答案:The situation requires careful handling.


用了 need 不算错

要小心处理:require careful handling

8. 这是一个不争的事实。(想想 “不争”,该怎么脱壳?) 【重点】

翻译:It is an undoubted truth.

答案:This is a proven fact.


9. 听到一个奇怪的声音,他们停止了谈话。

翻译:They stopped talking when they heard a weird sound.

答案:Hearing a strange sound, they stopped talking.


10. 尽管受了伤,那名战士仍然继续作战。

翻译:Although the soldier wounded, he kept fighting.

答案:Wounded, the soldier continued to fight.

解析:继续作战,应该是keep on fighting  even though… 不算错,此句知识点在分词。

因为 “受伤”是一个被动概念,故用过去分词。我用了让步状语从句,答案是分词结构,两者可以互相转换。不够,用分词表达会更简洁。

Keep & continue


keep on CONTINUE DOING 继续做E to continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly


He keeps trying to distract me


to keep happening, existing or doing something, or to cause something or someone to do this(使)继续,(使)持续,(使)延续

+ to infinitive

It's said that as the boat went down the band continued to play.


+ -ing verb

If she continues drinking like that, I'll have to carry her home

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