Like the struggle from chrysalis to butterfly, this process of transformation and upgrading is filled with promise but also accompanied by great pain; it is urgent, formidable, and complicated. We should press forward with courage and get the job done.
All government work is for the people. We should keep in mind the fact that China remains in the primary stage of socialism and pursue a people focused development philosophy.
… stern measures will be taken to address deception, falsification, and the manipulation of numbers in poverty elimination work. We must see that the results of our poverty elimination earn the approval of our people and stand the test of time.
This is a profound reform of government itself, which we need to continue to pursue with the courage to make painful self-adjustments and overcome all odds.
Governments at all levels and all government employees must make it our priority to get things done. In performing duties, we should work hard, in a down-to-earth way; and we should be innovative as actual conditions allow. Implementing decisions made at meetings of higher-level authorities and contained in the documents they issue does not mean just holding more meetings and issuing more documents. It's no good to just push paper and pay lip service.
Scalers点评:英文的知识点比如“pay lip service”就不讲解了,请在双语批注里找。“以会议贯彻会议、以文件落实文件”对应到个人成长上就是这种情况:你因为想太多、看太多、纠结太多,导致了你的迷茫困惑拖延,这些处境让你痛苦。但是为了解决这些问题,你不去“真抓实干、埋头苦干”,反而去看更多的信息、想更多的事情,用更多的纠结解决现在的纠结,用更强的焦虑缓解现在的焦虑。这可是方向性错误。而很多人没有意识到他自己的处境,于是我们说,这是在“纸上谈兵、光说不练”。
We will strictly enforce the responsibility systems, particularly those for implementing key tasks. We must see responsibilities are fulfilled without fail, that pressure is felt at every level of government, and that implementation is carried out to the letter.
A new historical mission awaits us, and with hard work we will achieve great success.