

solr zk upconfig -d C:\soft\solr-7.1.0\server\solr\configsets\mysql_data_import11\conf -n test_user -z localhost:9983-d 本地配置文件目录-n zookeeper配置名(solr管理界面cloud下面tree目录下,/configs)

2.solr zookeeper常用命令:(-r 递归) 

 solr zk upconfig|downconfig -d-n[-z zkHost] 

 solr zk cp [-r][-z zkHost] 

 solr zk rm [-r][-z zkHost] 

 solr zk mv[-z zkHost] 

 solr zk ls [-r][-z zkHost] 

 solr zk mkroot [-z zkHost]


solr zk rm -r /configs/ianjuke111 -z localhost:9983

4.Collections API


删除collection: /admin/collections?action=DELETE&name=test

创建分片: /admin/collections?action=CREATESHARD&collection=test&shard=shard1&name=test_shard1_replica1

/admin/collections?action=RELOAD: reload a collection

/admin/collections?action=SPLITSHARD: split a shard into two new shards

/admin/collections?action=CREATESHARD: create a new shard

/admin/collections?action=DELETESHARD: delete an inactive shard

/admin/collections?action=CREATEALIAS: create or modify an alias for a collection

/admin/collections?action=DELETEALIAS: delete an alias for a collection

/admin/collections?action=DELETEREPLICA: delete a replica of a shard

/admin/collections?action=ADDREPLICA: add a replica of a shard

/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERPROP: Add/edit/delete a cluster-wide property

/admin/collections?action=MIGRATE: Migrate documents to another collection

/admin/collections?action=ADDROLE: Add a specific role to a node in the cluster

/admin/collections?action=REMOVEROLE: Remove an assigned role

/admin/collections?action=OVERSEERSTATUS: Get status and statistics of the overseer

/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS: Get cluster status

/admin/collections?action=REQUESTSTATUS: Get the status of a previous asynchronous request

/admin/collections?action=LIST: List all collections
