I. 冯州长2018 群
你要更多地了解和参与政坛新星冯伟杰的州长竞选活动吗?这是昨天在冯州长2018 群里发的部分信息。如有兴趣加入,请长按以下二维码加我,我拉你入群。
II. 有关冯市长的文章Get to Know Allan:
1. Mayor Allan Fung Climbs Ladder of Success
2. Mayor cites achievements, looks ahead
3. Cranston Mayor Allan W. Fung wins reelection in a landslide
4. Allan Fung - A Biography
III. 助选及捐款规定 Rhode Island State Donation Rule Summary:
1. You need to be a citizen to be able to vote;
2. If you are permanent resident (green card holder), you can donate and help campaign;
3. If you are NOT a permanent resident, you can't vote or donate, but you can still help the campaign by joining other activities. To read more - visit: https://www.quora.com/Can-foreigners-participate-in-the-US-election-campaigns
4. Maximum donation for an individual and RI registered PAC are $1,000 per calendar year. Thus, John Smith can donate $1,000 in 2017 and once January 2018 rolls around, he can donate another $1,000;
5. A husband and wife can both donate up to $1000 each per calendar year. They can send either one check for $2,000 where both have signed or two separate checks for $1,000 and both individually signed.
6. With any donation, the state requires the campaign to obtain the following information from the individuals: Full Name, Personal Address, Employer, and Employer Address.
7. Candidates can ONLY accept personal checks from individuals and do not allow corporate/business donations;
8. Candidates can ONLY accept checks from RI registered PACs. Donations from Federal PACs and PACs from other states are not allowed;