“目前是否已经达到峰值还不确定,还需要再观察几天。” 钟南山说,峰值不等于“拐点”,疫情还有可能随着务工人员返程再次出现新的高峰。
The possibility of a spike in new coronavirus cases caused by people returning to big cities after the extended Spring Festival holiday is unlikely, said Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan on Monday.
Zhong said that strong measures taken in major large and medium-sized cities are effective in epidemic prevention and control.
According to a mathematical model built by Zhong’s team, the outbreak is expected to reach its peak in mid-late February, but that doesn't mean an immediate fall afterwards. "It is uncertain if the outbreak has reached its peak, we need a few more days of observation," said Zhong.
Zhong warned the public to keep their waste pipes unobstructed as the novel coronavirus may spread through drainage systems.
Two separate research groups, one of which was led by Zhong, announced last week they had isolated novel coronavirus strains from samples of infected patients' feces, triggering suspicion of fecal-oral transmission.
"If a waste pipe is blocked, the contaminated air, or the aerosol carrying the novel coronavirus, may cause infection," Zhong said. "I don't think the virus was ingested but inhaled by people," he said, adding that hospitals should also pay attention to drainage pipes.
He said a similar case happened in 2003, when over 300 people were infected with SARS in a Hong Kong residential community due to the defective design of its sewage system that caused the spread of the virus.
Eighty percent of COVID-19 patients and 95 percent of the deaths are in Wuhan, Zhong said, noting that Wuhan is still the key to the battle against the epidemic, as the confirmed cases outside Hubei province have been declining.
Zhong also said person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus is still happening in Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic.
He stressed the importance for Wuhan to distinguish health people from infected patients, and also to distinguish COVID-19 infection from common flu. "Virus transmission between people is unlikely to be halted if these different groups remain together," Zhong said.
针对康复病人血浆治疗方法(plasma therapy),钟南山表示,现在数据太少,还显示不出统计学的意义。在武汉现在做了10例,6例经过用药以后,两三天病毒血症消失了,病人临床情况有些改善。
The renowned Chinese respiratory scientist also added that plasma therapy is a stable and safe method that has so far been found effective in treating the novel coronavirus patients, especially for those in severe condition.
Ten coronavirus patients in Wuhan have received the treatment so far, six of whom have shown signs of their symptoms easing.
"For Western medicine, there is a process before it works in human body even with proven effectiveness in lab," said Zhong. "Quite a few Western drugs are found to be effective in vitro, but not in the human body."
The case is different with TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine). Some TCMs have already been commonly used in clinic. Further tests in lab and animals can provide evidence and clues for their use.
"Once there is evidence, TCM can be used securely, especially for those early and mid-term patients," said Zhong.
钟南山介绍,磷酸氯喹(Chloroquine phosphate)还够不上特效药,但是它是非常值得探讨的药。面对新的东西,往往实践先于科研,摸着石头过河。已有的比利时、美国的研究表明,磷酸氯喹对冠状病毒是有效的,这次是真正用在人体。磷酸氯喹是老药。短期使用来看,没有太大的副作用。相当一部分患者,能够在一段时间内使得病毒转为阴性。和其他药物对比,发热症状消失,副作用不是很大。个别会出现腹泻,很个别会出现耳鸣,停药后就会停止。目前正在开展较大(范围)的临床观察,要进行用药和不用药的比较。
Zhong told reporters work and research are speeding up on medicines to treat this new virus and a drug called Chloroquine phosphate has shown good clinical efficacy.
"Chloroquine is not really a kind of medicine with a special effect, but it is worthy of study," Zhong said.
钟南山表示,17年前的SARS,也是通过尸体解剖(post-mortem examinations)了解除了肺部之外,全身脏器受损的影响情况。通过尸体解剖,这次新冠肺炎患者肺部的表现,和SARS有点不一样,没有严重纤维化,肺泡还存在,但是炎症很厉害,还有大量的粘液,非常黏,这将导致病人的通气不通顺。解剖可以帮助我们认识病人的特点,在帮助他们通气上改变一些方式。
The dissections of the bodies of the first and second patients who died of the novel coronavirus in China were completed at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital last Sunday. The move was made subject to the national laws and policies and came after their families granted permission. By obtaining their pathological organs, further studies can be made and aid clinical treatment.
综合来源:央视新闻 中国日报 CGTN 人民日报 中国日报双语新闻