"Last week, the Spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry asked the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to make an official apology publicly for its derogatory article and hold those involved accountable. Has the WSJ responded to these demands?"
耿爽表示,2月3日,《华尔街日报》刊发美国巴德学院教授米德(Walter Russell Mead)撰写的评论文章。该文诋毁中国政府和中国人民抗击疫情的努力,报社编辑还为文章加上了《中国是真正的“亚洲病夫”》这种带有种族歧视色彩的耸人听闻标题,引起中国人民的极大愤慨和国际社会广泛谴责。
On February 3, the WSJ published an article by Professor Walter Russell Mead of the Bard College. The article discredits the Chinese government and people's efforts to fight the epidemic. The unfortunate editorial choice of adding the racially-discriminatory title China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia triggered indignation and condemnation among the Chinese people and the international community.
The Chinese side lodged stern representations with the WSJ repeatedly to make clear our solemn position on this and demand that it recognize the severity of its mistake, make an official apology publicly and hold the persons involved accountable. Meanwhile we reserve the right to take further actions.
However, regrettably, what the WSJ has done so far is nothing but fudging the issue and dodging its responsibility. It has neither issued an official apology nor done anything on accountability.
China handles affairs related to foreign journalists in accordance with laws and regulations. The Chinese people do not welcome media that speak racially-discriminatory languages and maliciously slander and attack China. As such, it is decided that from today, the press credentials of three WSJ journalists will be revoked.
China will continue to support and facilitate foreign journalists' press coverage in China in accordance with international common practice.
"In his statement on February 19, US Secretary of State Pompeo condemned China's 'expulsion' of three Wall Street Journal foreign correspondents and said that China should not restrict freedom of speech. Do you have any comments?"
This is not a matter of freedom of speech as Mr. Pompeo claimed.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article that smeared China with a racially discriminatory title, which reflects a disregard for basic facts and professional ethics. It has triggered indignation among the Chinese people and condemnation from the international community.
Mr. Pompeo talks about freedom of speech all the time. Does the US version of it entitle one to publish an openly racist and discriminatory article insulting a whole country or nation and then refuse to admit the mistake and apologize?
I want to ask Mr. Pompeo this question: if the WSJ has the freedom to insult, don't the offended have the right to fight back?
英国《每日邮报》报道说,英文中的sick man of Asia可能源于sick man of Europe,形容穷困潦倒面临经济问题的欧洲国家。第一次出现用在了19世纪深陷债务危机的奥斯曼帝国身上。
The phrase 'sick man of Asia' originated in another term 'sick man of Europe', a label given to a European country facing impoverishment or economic difficulties. It was first used to describe the Ottoman Empire for its debt crisis in the 19th century.
1896年,上海的英文报纸《字林西报》中,一名英国作者使用了sick man of East Asia形容腐败落后、官僚主义的清政府,而彼时的中国已经遭受了欧洲列强和日本的侵略。
Its association with the Chinese can be tracked back to Shanghai-based English newspaper North China Daily News in 1896. A British writer used the phrase, 'sick man of East Asia', to illustrate the corrupt and bureaucratic Qing government which had been invaded by European powers and Japan.
Liang Qichao, one of the most prominent Chinese scholars and reformists at the time, then used the term's Chinese translation 'dong ya bing fu' to show his concerns of the decline of physical prowess of the Chinese people.
The phrase has since been closely associated with the stereotype that Chinese people were physically weak and disease-ridden.
In one famous scene from Bruce Lee's film Fist of Fury, the Kung Fu star defeated more than a dozen opponents before destroying a plaque bearing the phrase.
文章中写到,加州大学伯克利分校的民族学研究教授Catherine Ceniza Choy表示,主流媒体刊发这样一篇带有煽动恐惧焦虑,以及挑唆仇视全球华人及亚裔人群的文章,会带来极具伤害性的错误后果。
“The consequences of publishing an opinion like this by mainstream media include stoking more fear and anxiety, and increasing hostility against Chinese and other Asians throughout the world,” Catherine Ceniza Choy, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley, told NBC News. “This is extremely harmful and wrong.”
Choy explained that the “racist association of Chinese bodies as disease carriers” has roots in white supremacist and nativist fears of Asian migration in the late 19th century.
White labor unions weaponized the stereotype to drum up support for a ban on Chinese labor immigration, arguing that Chinese diseases were more dangerous than “white” ones, The Washington Post pointed out.
The piece, Choy noted, also contributes to the xenophobia surrounding the coronavirus, erroneously linking disease to race. “Disease does not see color. It does not recognize the borders of nation-states or ethnic enclaves like Chinatowns,” she said. “Yet, there have already been reports across the U.S. and other parts of the world where Chinese people or anyone who looks “Chinese” are targeted for exclusion and prejudice.”
Social media users slammed the piece for resurrecting an archaic stereotype while making light of a serious outbreak.
"Recently certain Western individuals and media have suggested that COVID-19 may have originated from China's biological warfare program and it is a bio-weapon leaked from a lab. What's your comment?"
At present, the Chinese people are fighting an all-out war against COVID-19 not just for its own sake, but also for global public health security. At this particular time, it is either with malicious intentions or absurd ignorance that certain individuals and media outlets are spreading such sensational hearsay.
The WHO has said repeatedly there is no evidence that COVID-19 was engineered in a laboratory or created by the manufacture of biological weapons. Besides the war on virus, we're also battling conspiracy theories. Many of the world's leading medical experts also believe that such allegations as "laboratory leakage" or "biological weapons development" have no scientific basis whatsoever.
Just the day before yesterday, on February 18, the Lancet, an authoritative international medical journal, published a joint statement signed by 27 of the world's leading scientists in the field of public health in support of the Chinese research, health and medical professionals fighting the outbreak, which strongly condemns the conspiracy theories circulating online. The statement said scientists from multiple countries have analyzed genomes of the causative agent, and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have other emerging pathogens. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumors, and prejudice that jeopardize global collaboration in the fight against this virus. These scientists also call for respect for the professional advice of the WHO.
I want to emphasize that what we need in the face of an epidemic is science, rationality and cooperation. We must seek the triumph of science over ignorance, dispel rumors with truth, and replace prejudice with cooperation. We hope the international community, while fighting COVID-19 together, will continue to combat conspiracy theories and other "political viruses".
比如德国《明镜》周刊封面:新冠病毒 中国制造
综合来源:新华网,外交部官网,观察者网,中报视频,CGTN,NBC News,Washington Post,Daily Mail