Flume 命令行

用法: bin/flume-ng [options]...

help 显示帮助
agent 运行Flume代理
avro-client 运行一个avro Flume客户端
version 显示Flume版本

global options:
--conf,-c 使用配置文件
--classpath,-C 附加classpath路径
--dryrun,-d do not actually start Flume, just print the command
--plugins-path 冒号分割的插件文件夹列表. See the
plugins.d section in the user guide for more details.
Default: $FLUME_HOME/plugins.d
-Dproperty=value sets a Java system property value
-Xproperty=value sets a Java -X option

agent options:
--name,-n agent名称
--conf-file,-f 指定配置文件 (required if -z missing)
--zkConnString,-z 指定 ZooKeeper 连接 (required if -f missing)
--zkBasePath,-p 指定 ZooKeeper中的 agent配置文件路径
--no-reload-conf 如果配置更改了不重新加载
--help,-h display help text

avro-client options:
--rpcProps,-P RPC client properties file with server connection params
--host,-H hostname to which events will be sent
--port,-p port of the avro source

directory to stream to avro source
--filename,-F text file to stream to avro source (default: std input)
--headerFile,-R File containing event headers as key/value pairs on each new line
--help,-h display help text

Either --rpcProps or both --host and --port must be specified.

Note that if directory is specified, then it is always included first
in the classpath.

你可能感兴趣的:(Flume 命令行)