Nov. 2017 草莓专题之 Amusement Park

有这样一个地方,不仅是孩子们的欢乐天堂,也是爸爸妈妈们保持童真的好选择,那里承载了无数家庭的欢声笑语,你们猜到了吗?这就是我们今天的主题--- Amusement Park 游乐场。当然,也可以是嘉年华 Carnival,或公园里的机动游戏。准备好了吗?跟随我们的脚步,一起开启本次的勇气与欢乐之旅吧!

Nov. 2017 草莓专题之 Amusement Park_第1张图片
Amusement Park


Ferris wheel 摩天轮, Junior coasters (适合小朋友的)过山车, Merry-go-round/Carousel 旋转木马, Bumper cars 碰碰车, Bouncy castle 充气城堡, 4-D movie 4D 电影。有的游乐场有专为小儿童设计的投币机动游戏,称为 kiddie rides.

去玩的路上,宝宝都很着急吧,可以跟他们说我们马上就到了。Don't be anxious, honey, we'll be at the amusement park soon. 

到了入口,要排队买门票哦。There's the entrance. Let’s get in line for tickets. 有的地方买票后会有手腕带,可以帮小朋友带上。Let me put this wristband on for you. Don't tear it off, you'll need this to get on those rides.

入园以后,可以问问小朋友,你想先玩哪个项目? Which ride do you want to go on first? 

草莓宝贝们身高可能还会差一点,玩耍前要量好身高注意安全。Come here and see if you are tall enough to go on this ride. 来,我们来量量看你够不够高玩这个。

Yep, you are definitely tall enough for this one, go ahead. Don't forget to fasten your seat belt! 你高度够了哦,上去吧。坐好后记得要系上安全带。

Sorry sweetheart, you missed it by just a little bit, let's try again next time, okay? How about we go see that 4-D movie? 宝贝,你还差一点点不够高呢,我们下次再来好吗?要不我们去看4-D电影吧?爸爸妈妈们要确定4-D电影没有身高限制哦~~

如果排队的人很多,可以征求下宝宝意见,This line is too long, do you wanna wait in line or do you wanna go ride something else? 这个队排的很长,你想继续排队玩这个还是去玩别的?You wanna go to the Ferris Wheel? Follow the signs and we will find the Ferris wheel. 跟着这个标识走,我们就能找到摩天轮了。

小朋友在游乐场肯定是开心的什么都忘了,爸爸妈妈们要适当提醒下宝贝们,it's time to pee, or it's time for some water. Enjoy!

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