LeetCode 285 [Inorder Successor in BST]


Given a binary search tree and a node in it, find the in-order successor of that node in the BST.

Given tree = [2,1] and node = 1:


return node 2.
Given tree = [2,1,3] and node = 2:

   / \
  1   3

return node 3.


  • successor变量记录root的父亲结点,当while循环结束时,如果原本的root = None或者p不存在与BST中(那么此刻root = None),都返回None
  • 找到p之后,如果p没有右儿子,则第一个比它大的数字就是刚刚记录的successor
  • 找到p之后,如果有右儿子,则找到右子树中的最左边的值(最小值)


# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):
    @param root : The root of the BST.
    @param p : You need find the successor node of p.
    @return : Successor of p.
    def inorderSuccessor(self, root, p):
        successor = None
        while root != None and root.val != p.val:
            if root.val > p.val:
                successor = root
                root = root.left
                root = root.right
        # 原本的root = None 或者 p不存在与BST中,此刻root = None
        if root == None:
            return None
        # 找到p之后,如果p没有右儿子,则第一个比它大的数字就是刚刚记录的successor
        if root.right == None:
            return successor
        # 找到p之后,如果有右儿子,则找到右子树中的最左边的值(最小值)
        root = root.right
        while root.left != None:
            root = root.left
        return root

你可能感兴趣的:(LeetCode 285 [Inorder Successor in BST])