读原版-小屁孩 D16

Day 16, Page 171-183


1.I came up with this character called Creighton the Cretin, and I got on a roll.

on a roll//连连成功;连交好运 If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue.

例句:I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong.我靠自己的能力成名了,接二连三地获得成功,我觉得一切似乎一帆风顺。

造句:He got the offer that he had been expected, and his paper was accepted for publication by SCI. His friends said he was really on a roll.

2.I must've banged out twenty strips, and I didn't even break a sweat.

break a sweat//To put forth a large amount of energy or effort into or toward a task. Usually used in the negative to indicate the opposite.

例句:That test was so easy, I aced it without even breaking a sweat.

造句:Running too many marathons, he says finishing 10km doesn't even break a sweat.

3.Bill is always in detention, so I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school, including Mr. Ira.

have a bone to pick with someone//· (informal)have reason to disagree or be annoyed with someone· (非正式)同…有争端要解决,对…有理由怀恨

例句:I've got a bone to pick with you - you've been using my shaver again.

造句:When I was young, I lived in a village. I found that the neighbors usually had a bone to pick with each other for some trifles.

4.When Rowley came back fifteen minutes later, he looked pretty shaken up.

be shaken up//使震动;使激动;使心烦意乱 If you are shaken up or shook up by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel shocked and upset, and unable to think calmly or clearly.

例句:He said that the accident had left her a bit shook up, but she was going to be just fine.他说那场事故让她受了点惊吓,不过她会好起来的。

造句:After physical examination, the doctor suggested he go to the hospital and check for those abnormal results again. In addition, he received a call from his parents,  and they asked him to go back home as soon as possible. He looked really shaken up.

5.I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.

set the record straight//纠正记载;改正记录 If you set the record straight or put the record straight, you show that something which has been regarded as true is in fact not true.

例句:Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.我来纠正一下你文章里的错误认识。

造句:I read his article and find some errors. I tell him that he had better set the record straight before posting it.


1.The great thing about these "Creighton the Cretin" comics is that with all the idiots running around my school, I will never run out of new material.

结构:The great thing about .... is that with ...., I will never ...

造句:The great thing about this community is that with all these sport and relaxing facilities, I would never feel bored.

2.I really wanted to pick up a copy to see my name in print, but I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.

结构:I really wanted to ..., but... instead.

造句:I really wanted to stay longer with my parents and take good care of them, but I decided not to bother them too much instead and came back earlier.


Running is the best way against depression. Yesterday, I chose not to go running. As a result, the whole day I felt no energetic and almost did nothing. Well, what I mean is those things about making serious decisions. I think that when people don't have a positive mood they hardly get anything well done.

This morning, I determined to go for a run although I felt a little bit of tired. When I walked out of the elevator, I found it was raining. The rain was thick but not hard. I thought it didn't matter,  and then started to run. The rain water cleared the air and moistened the soil. I could smell some things that usually perceived less. This experience was really great.

To be honest, running can make people more active and have a good mood. Maybe I could add running into my morning routine. As Greg's mother said, people should try to do the "right thing," because it's our choices that make us who we are. For me, running is the "right thing."

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