A unique experience in Finland


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I was stunned by independent lifestyles in Finland. Two months ago, it was my first time to use the machine todrop my personal luggage in Helsinki’s airport. I was realized that I cancomplete check-in totally by myself including printing tickets and droppingluggage. Since that, there was a series of things related to independence, fromweighting fruits and vegetables in the super market to adding petrol in thestation. A striking difference could be seen between finish and Chinesesociety. Chinese people prefers to build up a relation of contacts and rely onothers. Another reason is that the price of labors in Asian countries issignificantly lower than Nordic countries. When you either tour in Hanoi orcities in china, you will discover that almost every shop hires a security guyin front of doors. In my view, it is not necessary to give one’s a single dutysuch as security jobs for normal shops, in contrast to banks. I was noticedthat, in Finland, security guys in weekend, will play other roles including cashier.Honestly, I spent two wonderful months here. Students here may be potential beneficiaries. They can not only improve their languages, but gain sustainable development knowledge.

What’s else, there was a goodaccess for them to receive information about Eps’ countries’ culture. Global meat the same time is essential to Eps. My example is that I worked with othertwo teammates who are from Europe. By preparing our normal courses, I learnedthat how European teachers impart knowledge to students, covering teachingmethods, indoor activities and interaction parts. In contrast, Chinese highschool put emphasis on hardworking. Teachers play a leading role in class,while student receive knowledge passively. It means that courses tend to beboring and tedious. Through this experience, I learned high school studentsshould be creative and active. They should be given opportunities to exploredifferent areas and develop various interest, which could provide a firmgrounding for their further studies and careers.

My biggest learning could bereferred to one of sustainable development goals, climate change. Most Finishfamilies live in an eco-friendly way. For example, my host family recyclesdaily trash. They have their own bow which can make organic trash usefulresources for plants. They never buy plastic bags from super market. Inaddition to personal habits, Finland is good at protecting forests and trees.In contrast, china aims at developing domestic economies, so high-risebuildings are replacing thousands of millions trees now. smog weather innorthern china has become a heated topic and people’s awareness are gradually improved.I definitely will encourage my friends to come to here and participate in one of programs here. By living with local residents, they will understand real Finish cultures and taste local foods. By working with others, they will learn different cultures and knowledge in a short time. Sometimes, by some festivals or events, they have opportunities to eat foods around the world! Most importantly, they can meet and talk with Santa Clause and see northern lights here!

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