095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境

(2016-09-09-星期五 15:35:43)

095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第1张图片

Quickly Resizing the Plex Window

Double click the background of the plex to instantly maximize it. You can also double click on the titles of the tools to maximize them.


鼠标双击背景,令“Plex”得以最大化。(须对“首选项→用户界面→Double-click maximizes plex”设定)(“最大化Plex”尚有一处快捷键,在“Plex”的哪个位置?)


095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第2张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第3张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第4张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第5张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第6张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第7张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第8张图片
095Quickly Resizing the Plex Window---化繁为简,营造舒心的情境_第9张图片

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