Peak WEEK1(Ch1-Ch2)


Ericsson and his co-author Robert Pool are good storytellers and they pepper their ideas with several studies and examples from musicians to London cabbies. 

Ericcson provides compelling evidences showing the conventional view that genius cannot be cultivated is wrong.You are supposed to be an extraordinary man through deliberate practice.

Before he expand on the concept of deliberate practice, he bring the idea of purposeful practice. What is purposeful practice?It’s much more purposeful, thoughtful, and focused than naive practice,and in a nutshell has four characteristics: well-defined, specific goals, focus, feedback, getting out of one’s comfort zone.

What is behind the amazing sorts of improvement that are possible with the right sort of practice? The answer is the adaptability of the human body and brain. In the brain, the greater the challenge, the greater the changes. When the naive practice is doing the same thing time after time to reach one's capacity, deliberate practive is going to build one's potential. 






当然,本文还是给读者在自我提升方面提供了正面能量。尽管我“吹毛求疵”了一大段,但大多数人的努力程度之低还轮不到拼“天赋”。认真贯彻作者书中所说的方法,我相信大家总会有进步的。期待后续对deliberate practice的详细说明。

word and expression


to mention sth because it is important or interesting

• 指出;特别提到:▪ [V that]

»It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.


very active, determined or full of energy

»Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.



adj. needing great effort and energy

»Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.




[C, usually sing.] a hidden difficulty or disadvantage

• 隐藏的困难;暗藏的不利因素:

»All that money for two hours' work—what's the catch?


ramp something up (或 ramp up)

- (especially in reference to the production of goods) increase or cause to increase in amount


up (或 raise) the ante

- increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute


» he decided to up the ante in the trade war.


» So to keep the changes happening, you have to keep upping the ante: run farther, run faster, run uphill.


conj.• (formal)although 尽管;虽然:

»He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.


gloss over sth

• to avoid talking about sth unpleasant or embarrassing by not dealing with it in detail

• 掩饰;掩盖;把…搪塞过去:

»to gloss over a problem 表面上应付问题

原文:we need to address an issue that we have glossed over in this chapter.

你可能感兴趣的:(Peak WEEK1(Ch1-Ch2))