<轉>One Strategy To Rule Them All!

<轉>One Strategy To Rule Them All!_第1张图片

原作者 : Clau­dio Kirch­mair,UG戰隊总裁,自2008年起就是UG戰隊的一員。

原鏈接 :http://​www.​unitedgosus.​com/​claudio-rules-the-dragon-rulers/​2/​

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<轉>One Strategy To Rule Them All!_第2张图片

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One Strat­egy To Rule Them All!

On Oc­to­ber 29, 2013 by Clau­dio Kirch­mair

<轉>One Strategy To Rule Them All!_第3张图片

Today I am writ­ing about theDragon Ruler mir­ror match. The biggest ques­tion is how to ap­proach the matchup be­cause there are dif­fer­ent views about it. The stan­dard vari­ant con­cen­trates on uti­liz­ing Dragon’s Ravine and keep­ing it on the field.


This strat­egy in­volves using Ter­raform­ing to have a higher chance of open­ing Ravine. In ad­di­tion, the deck thin­ning al­lows for more chances to draw into Mys­ti­cal Space Ty­phoon to keep Ravine on the field if the op­po­nent de­cides to play his/her own copy. More­over, the thin­ning re­moves the need for Card Trooper and re­quires only one slot for De­bris Dragon fod­der in Trigon Dragon. Why should you play Trooper if you can have Ravine right?

The deck also plays three copies of Raigeki Break or Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and the two strongest cards of the for­mat: Re­turn from a Dif­fer­ent Di­men­sion and Sixth Sense. If that’s not enough then you also have ac­cess to draw power with Sa­cred Swords of Seven Stars and Cards of Con­so­nance.

In other words, Dragon Ruler is the new Tele-DAD. If you don’t be­lieve me, then please go and check out the lat­estYCS Cov­er­age from Lon­donand see how many Dragon Ruler decks made it to Day 2. The Top 4 con­sis­tently solely of Dragon Ruler, which shows the ab­solute dom­i­nance of the deck.

<轉>One Strategy To Rule Them All!_第4张图片

The ques­tion is now, how didPa­trik Riederwin with his Dragon Ruler deck? It was a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent from the rest. Dif­fer­ent means that he played 2-4 cards dif­fer­ent to other builds. This is be­cause the re­main­ing 36-38 cards of the main Dragon Ruler deck are pretty much set in stone, just like Tele-DAD. To an­swer this ques­tion, I will try to ex­plain what your game plan should be in the mir­ror match and how Pa­trik achieved it.


I think the Dragon mir­ror is all about good re­source man­age­ment and most play­ers fail to achieve that. You have to think about how to come out on top with card ad­van­tage and also dam­age be­cause those are the biggest de­cid­ing fac­tors in Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Blaster, Dragon Ruler of In­fer­nos

How do we deal dam­age with­out los­ing card ad­van­tage? There is one sim­ple rule which says if you sum­mon a big Dragon then you have to deal dam­age. The eas­i­est way to do so is to sum­mon Blaster be­cause he’s the biggest one and can’t be killed by the other ones. If you imag­ine that one player ini­ti­ates the Blaster war, then the other player won’t deal any dam­age be­cause his Blaster can only de­fend his life points when the other Blaster has al­ready dealt dam­age. So, Blaster is ob­vi­ously the safe choice and should not be used mind­lessly.

Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Wa­ter­falls

The next Dragon is Tidal. He has enough at­tack to be dan­ger­ous and he only gets killed by Blaster. Al­though, he is a lit­tle bit risky to sum­mon be­cause your op­po­nent can clear your back row and just sum­mon Crim­son Blader af­ter­wards. But this will only hap­pen if you do not have any kind of pro­tec­tion and in that case it would not be the best idea to sum­mon Tidal any­way.

The biggest goal in terms of dam­age is to put your op­po­nent on 3200 life points or lower. Why? Sim­ple an­swer: Star Eater for game be­cause Star Eater can’t be han­dled with Swift Scare­crow and we all know how Dragon Ruler play­ers like to hide be­hind their Scare­crows.

Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boul­ders

In the WCQ Dragon Ruler vari­ant from last for­mat, play­ers learned that you should sum­mon Redox in de­fense po­si­tion to avoid get­ting OTK’d. In this for­mat, sum­mon­ing Redox just for de­fen­sive pur­pose is not good. Why? Be­cause you lose re­sources in form of one po­ten­tial Dragon sum­mon with­out deal­ing any dam­age. Your op­po­nent now can do any­thing and es­tab­lish his hand/grave­yard while sim­ply wait­ing an­other turn.

So when will we sum­mon Redox? We do this we have Maxx “C” in the grave and when we are going to make a Syn­chro or a XYZ sum­mon. Most play­ers will not Maxx “C” your Redox be­cause they sim­ply can­not push on the next turn if you just stop and there­fore you have man­aged to make a Syn­chro Sum­mon with no risk of Maxx “C”.

Tem­pest, Dragon Ruler of Storms

Lastly, Tem­pest. If we look at Tem­pest then we know that he’s an­other De­bris Dragon for us. Most times, we will Sword him away or re­move him for the sum­mon of an­other Dragon Ruler. He helps us to keep the draw en­gine con­sis­tent.


A Dragon sum­mon equals dam­age dealt. Oth­er­wise, you have wasted re­sources and will lose the late game.

Dragon’s Ravine

Next, I want to talk about the Field Spell mind­set. In my opin­ion I don’t care if my op­po­nent has a faster ac­cess to Dragon’s Ravine be­cause I am the player who just waits with his Ravine until my op­po­nent plays his. Why? It is a sim­ple plus one and if they want to pro­tect their Ravine then they lose their Mys­ti­cal Space Ty­phoon. Even worse, they could lose key mon­ster re­movals like Phoenix Wing Wind Blast or Raigeki Break. In other words, if you play Ravine first, then you com­mit a lot to the board. This is a bad spot in my opin­ion.

I also love to just sum­mon De­bris Dragon and get Trigon or Card Trooper to sum­mon An­cient Fairy Dragon for the free life gain and my own Field Spell. If you used your Break/PWWB on my Ravine be­fore then you take the risk that my De­bris play will kill you.

Mys­ti­cal Space Ty­phoon

I get the feel­ing that MST is only here for turn one to kill the op­po­nents back­row be­fore you com­mit any cards onto the field or to kill Ravine. I think that’s pretty weak be­cause play­ing your own Ravine af­ter­wards or going into An­cient Fairy Dragon seems much bet­ter. You do not want to MST an op­pos­ing back­row if you have sets, be­cause you will risk that they sim­ply chain Raigeki Break/PWWB on your Ravine/back­row and you wasted your MST that way. This also re­minds me of Tele-DAD be­cause when you pushed first and didn’t kill your op­po­nent then you lost be­cause he han­dled your board on the next turn.

Card Trooper

Why should I run Card Trooper? Card Trooper is the best level 3 mon­ster be­sides Trigon. The only rea­son you run Trigon is that you can send him to the grave with Ravine. When you sum­mon him with De­bris you can also mill three ad­di­tional cards which can put the game into your favor. Yes, he can be hit by Crim­son Blader, but you also can have pro­tec­tion and you still draw a card if he dies. He gets even bet­ter after sid­ing for Game Two and Game Three be­cause De­bunk cre­ates a Dragon beat­down. Most Drag­ons will not even hit the field and your Trooper gives you ac­cess to free re­sources. Milling two or three colours with Trooper is just bro­ken.

The Trap Game

How do we play our re­movals then? We just kill their mon­sters and hit with our Drag­ons. We have more re­movals be­cause we don’t use them on their Ravine. Most times you don’t have to kill some­thing im­me­di­ately be­cause it’s not a real threat.

Why Trap Stun? Be­cause Re­turn from the Dif­fer­ent Di­men­sion and Sixth Sense are just bro­ken and have a very high per­cent­age to leave the for­mat after De­cem­ber. Most times when you re­solve one of those cards you just win. The ques­tion is now, how can you beat it? If you look through all the Dragon Ruler deck­lists you will al­ways see seven to nine traps and most of them are chain­able. Every trap card can be negated by Trap Stun. It is the only card be­sides Solemn Warn­ing which can negate Re­turn. It also lets you push when your op­po­nent feels safe and it helps you to de­fend if he/she wants to push for him­self/her­self. You also have a safe way to re­solve Crim­son Blader’s ef­fect if he is backed up by Trap Stun. It helps you against any trap heavy anti-decks and Trap Stun into Black Rose Dragon will seal the deal for you.

One short side note on Solemn Warn­ing: I like this card be­cause it’s very strong in the Spell­book and Evil­swarm matchup. It is one of the few true re­movals and the 2000 life points cost can be nul­li­fied by An­cient Fairy Dragon’s life gain. It is also a counter to Black Rose Dragon and Re­turn which alone is enough to war­rant a slot.

The Syn­chros

Which Syn­chro Mon­sters should I sum­mon? It re­ally de­pends on the sit­u­a­tion and on your op­po­nent’s deck. In some sit­u­a­tions it’s good to sum­mon Star­dust Dragon with pro­tec­tion if your op­po­nent fa­vors Raigeki Break and Mys­ti­cal Space Ty­phoon. You sum­mon Colos­sal Fighter when you are afraid of Dragon beat­down. Angel of Zera should be used in the late game or if you have to get over An­cient Fairy Dragon or Redox in de­fense po­si­tion. Ori­ent Dragon also got stronger due the pop­u­lar­ity of AFD and I would not cut it from my Extra Deck sim­ply be­cause of that.

Over­all, there are a lot of small things that you can do dif­fer­ently and the one who does them right will be the win­ner in the end. Pa­trik played 16 rounds at YCS Lon­don, 14 of those were Dragon Ruler mir­rors. He must have done some­thing right to win 12 of them. I think his deck was de­signed to beat the mir­ror and he also changed the way of how to play it. If you haven’t seen his in­ter­view yet then here’s your chance ;)



Yu-Gi-Oh! is a great game where you can learn a lot if you play it com­pet­i­tively. If you trade, buy, and sell cards then you will learn how sup­ply and de­mand in a mar­ket works. When­ever an event is won by a new deck the price for the cards of the win­ner’s deck list will in­crease a lot. Be­fore the new Lim­ited & Re­stricted List, the spec­u­la­tion starts and you will get a clue how some peo­ple in the fi­nance mar­ket earn/lose their money.

I al­ready ex­plained how re­source man­age­ment can be learned from play­ing Dragon Ruler and learn­ing from your past mis­takes gives you the first les­son for pro­gram­ming. As a pro­gram­mer, you have to write cor­rect source code until it pro­duces the re­sult you want. Most of the time, there will be tiny mis­takes in it and you have to redo it over and over again. In Yu-Gi-Oh!, it is the same with your mis­takes. You have to an­a­lyze them and prac­tice until they do not hap­pen any­more.

If you travel to­gether, then you will see how easy it is to find new friends in­side the game. I got a lot of very close friend­ships with Yu-Gi-Oh! and I would never re­gret that I started to play that game.

One last mes­sage to the play­ers:

Play fair or stay home.



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