Spark Streaming整体流程如下图所示。图中左边部分负责流数据的接收,右边部分负责流数据的处理。对于数据处理部分,JobGenerator 维护了一个定时器,定时为每个数据batch生成RDD DAG的实例。ReceiverTracker 负责数据的 meta 信息。JobGenerator最后将RDD DAG和数据的meta信息一同提交给 JobScheduler 异步执行。
下面着重讲数据的接收。Spark Streaming数据接收大致过程:首先启动ReceiverSupervisor,BlockGenerator和Receiver,其中BlockGenerator首先启动一个定时器定时将接收的数据封装成Block,然后启动一个线程不断将Block数据推送给BlockManager。而Receiver启动后不断接收数据,并不断将接受的数据添加到BlockGenerator中,这样BlockGenerator就不断将Receiver接收的数据推送到BlockManager。为了防止数据接收太快造成BlockGenerator OOM,Spark Streaming从1.5以后开始采用了通过负反馈(图中的r6)进行动态接收速率控制(开关:spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled)。
r1. Receiver调用store方法接收数据
def store(dataItem: T) { supervisor.pushSingle(dataItem)}
r2. ReceiverSupervisor的pushSingle方法
def pushSingle(data: Any) { defaultBlockGenerator.addData(data)}
r3. BlockGenerator的addData方法
def addData(data: Any): Unit = {
if (state == Active) {
synchronized {
if (state == Active) {
currentBuffer += data
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
r4 and r5. BlockGenerator的updateCurrentBuffer方法不断将接收到的数据打包成一个个block,然后push给BlockManager
private def updateCurrentBuffer(time: Long): Unit = {
try {
var newBlock: Block = null
synchronized {
if (currentBuffer.nonEmpty) {
val newBlockBuffer = currentBuffer
currentBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
val blockId = StreamBlockId(receiverId, time - blockIntervalMs)
newBlock = new Block(blockId, newBlockBuffer)
if (newBlock != null) {
blocksForPushing.put(newBlock) // put is blocking when queue is full
} catch {
case ie: InterruptedException =>
logInfo("Block updating timer thread was interrupted")
case e: Exception =>
reportError("Error in block updating thread", e)
private def keepPushingBlocks() {
logInfo("Started block pushing thread")
def areBlocksBeingGenerated: Boolean = synchronized {
state != StoppedGeneratingBlocks
try {
// While blocks are being generated, keep polling for to-be-pushed blocks and push them.
while (areBlocksBeingGenerated) {
Option(blocksForPushing.poll(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) match {
case Some(block) => pushBlock(block)
case None =>
// At this point, state is StoppedGeneratingBlock. So drain the queue of to-be-pushed blocks.
logInfo("Pushing out the last " + blocksForPushing.size() + " blocks")
while (!blocksForPushing.isEmpty) {
val block = blocksForPushing.take()
logDebug(s"Pushing block $block")
logInfo("Blocks left to push " + blocksForPushing.size())
logInfo("Stopped block pushing thread")
} catch {
case ie: InterruptedException =>
logInfo("Block pushing thread was interrupted")
case e: Exception =>
reportError("Error in block pushing thread", e)
r6. 每次有Job完成,JobScheduler会发消息给StreamingListenerBus,StreamingListenerBus则会调用RateController的onBatchCompleted方法来计算新的令牌差生的速率,以此来控制数据接收。
private def handleJobCompletion(job: Job, completedTime: Long) {
val jobSet = jobSets.get(job.time)
logInfo("Finished job " + + " from job set of time " + jobSet.time)
if (jobSet.hasCompleted) {
logInfo("Total delay: %.3f s for time %s (execution: %.3f s)".format(
jobSet.totalDelay / 1000.0, jobSet.time.toString,
jobSet.processingDelay / 1000.0
job.result match {
case Failure(e) =>
reportError("Error running job " + job, e)
case _ =>
override def onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted) {
val elements = batchCompleted.batchInfo.streamIdToInputInfo
for {
processingEnd <- batchCompleted.batchInfo.processingEndTime
workDelay <- batchCompleted.batchInfo.processingDelay
waitDelay <- batchCompleted.batchInfo.schedulingDelay
elems <- elements.get(streamUID).map(_.numRecords)
} computeAndPublish(processingEnd, elems, workDelay, waitDelay)
private def computeAndPublish(time: Long, elems: Long, workDelay: Long, waitDelay: Long): Unit =
Future[Unit] {
// 计算新速率
val newRate = rateEstimator.compute(time, elems, workDelay, waitDelay)
newRate.foreach { s =>
// 设置新速率
def compute(
time: Long, // in milliseconds
numElements: Long,
processingDelay: Long, // in milliseconds
schedulingDelay: Long // in milliseconds
): Option[Double] = {
logTrace(s"\ntime = $time, # records = $numElements, " +
s"processing time = $processingDelay, scheduling delay = $schedulingDelay")
this.synchronized {
if (time > latestTime && numElements > 0 && processingDelay > 0) {
// in seconds, should be close to batchDuration
val delaySinceUpdate = (time - latestTime).toDouble / 1000
// in elements/second
val processingRate = numElements.toDouble / processingDelay * 1000
// In our system `error` is the difference between the desired rate and the measured rate
// based on the latest batch information. We consider the desired rate to be latest rate,
// which is what this estimator calculated for the previous batch.
// in elements/second
val error = latestRate - processingRate
// The error integral, based on schedulingDelay as an indicator for accumulated errors.
// A scheduling delay s corresponds to s * processingRate overflowing elements. Those
// are elements that couldn't be processed in previous batches, leading to this delay.
// In the following, we assume the processingRate didn't change too much.
// From the number of overflowing elements we can calculate the rate at which they would be
// processed by dividing it by the batch interval. This rate is our "historical" error,
// or integral part, since if we subtracted this rate from the previous "calculated rate",
// there wouldn't have been any overflowing elements, and the scheduling delay would have
// been zero.
// (in elements/second)
val historicalError = schedulingDelay.toDouble * processingRate / batchIntervalMillis
// in elements/(second ^ 2)
val dError = (error - latestError) / delaySinceUpdate
val newRate = (latestRate - proportional * error -
integral * historicalError -
derivative * dError).max(minRate)
| latestRate = $latestRate, error = $error
| latestError = $latestError, historicalError = $historicalError
| delaySinceUpdate = $delaySinceUpdate, dError = $dError
latestTime = time
if (firstRun) {
latestRate = processingRate
latestError = 0D
firstRun = false
logTrace("First run, rate estimation skipped")
} else {
latestRate = newRate
latestError = error
logTrace(s"New rate = $newRate")
} else {
logTrace("Rate estimation skipped")