Day 19 Week 4 小结


1. trailblazer

先驱(者);创始人 A trailblazer is a person who is the leader in a particular field, especially who does a particular thing before anyone else does.

Trailblazer 其实是有 blaze the trail 转变过来的,类似的意思还有 groundbreaker

2. Piggyback

利用;借助 If you piggyback on something that someone else has thought of or done, you use it to your advantage.

e.g. I was just piggybacking on Stokes's idea...


3. You could phone her.

在这句话中,phone 作为动词,类似的用法还有 holiday,如:

He holidays in Yunnan now.

这样会比 takes a holiday 更佳简洁

4. eyesore

碍眼的东西(如建筑物等) You describe a building or place as an eyesore when it is extremely ugly and you dislike it or disapprove of it.

可以做 眼中钉 解释

5. Discipline

(尤指大学里的)学科,科目 A discipline is a particular area of study, especially a subject of study in a college or university.

这个词在写作中可以用来代替 subject

Personal Reflection

I finished the whole book this week which, to some extent, was a great accompllishment for me. From the first day till now, I’ve formed a great number of habits that definitely laid a firm foundation for my future development. For me, reading a book is just like digging a tunnel. At first I had no idea what I would get and when will I see the light. I work, toil, sweat, and then suddendly, I saw a chink of light.


The author, from my point of view, is a skilled storyteller and a talent writer. By combining everyday-cases and abstract concepts, he unveils a picture of the 7 Habits of Highly effective People in a simple and colorful way, so we readers are able to understand these ideas more clear without delving into a dead end. Start with a introduction of the whole book, we are given the concepts of paradigms and principles with some quotes and personal mission statements, and the inside-out approch first makes its appearance.Then the book moves into the overview of the seven habits, from which the paradigm of interdependance is introduced. Then the author gives a detailed explaination of the 7 habits by citing instances, pointing out flaws and making necessary comparison and contrast with the reality. After finishing the 7 habits, the author comes back to the inside-approach again, which proves how importanct it is through the whole book.



Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things...

I am tempted to think, there are no little things

记得劝学中有句话:不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江河。再小再微不足道的事,只要你持之以恒,总能对你的生活产生巨大的影响。每天进步一点点,坚持带来大改变。就像作者在文中所举的锻炼身体的例子,每天30分钟就能改善身体状况。一个高效的人,会从 physical,mental,spiritual以及social这四个方面不断提升自己,持续更新。

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