女子拼命阻碍高铁发车 原因竟是丈夫未上车...

近日,某高铁车上,一名带着孩子的女性旅客以等老公为名,用身体强行阻挡车门关闭,铁路工作人员和乘客多次劝解,该女子仍强行扒阻车门。今天下午,合肥火车站通过官方微博@铁路合肥站 发布消息表示,该事件造成列车晚点发车,目前铁路公安已介入调查处理。

Woman blocks train door in Hefei, delaying departure


A woman inHefei,Anhui province recently learned thata high-speed train isby no means a family vehicle operated at her will, after sheimpededthe train's departure tobuy time[1]for hertardy[2] husband,causing trouble forthe whole train. She was suspected ofviolating relevant regulations and the law.

[1]buy time:to do something in order to be allowed more time 赢得时间;拖延时间

He tried tobuy time by saying he hadn't been well.


[2]tardy:slow or late in happening or arriving 行动迟缓的;迟的;迟到的

Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rathertardy arrival.


The woman, surnamedLuo,stoppeda cabin doorfrom closing on a high-speed trainbound[3] forGuangdong fromHefei on Friday. She put her body in the door, in the hopes thatit wouldstall the train's departureto allow the boarding of her husband rushing to the gate, reportedGuanchazhe on Tuesday.

[3]bound:going to 去…的;准备前往…的;开往…的

She was on a planebound forMoscow when she got sick.


In a video recordingLuo's behavior that went viral on the Internet, two train personnel approachedLuo, who was blocking the door while talking on the phone, but failed totalk sense into her.

She was laterforced out ofthe train, but managed tojamher foot intothe crack between the door and its frame while lying on the groundand being pulled by an official on the platform, which led to a second opening of the almost closed gate.

Though theturbulent incident ended withLuo finally being pulled out of the train, the train left about four minutes behind schedule.

According to the report,Luo was suspected of violatingthe Law on Punishments in Public Order and Security Administrationand,Regulation on the Administration of Railway Safety and faces a possible detention of 10 days and penalty of up to 2,000 yuan ($308).

· 铁路安全管理条例 Regulation on the Administration of Railway Safety

·中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法 Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China/ Law of the People's Republic of China on Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration




Teacher who stops train from leaving station suspended


Police have started an investigation after a woman delayed a trainbystoppingthe door from closing, saying she was waiting for her husband in a city in eastern China.

Railway authorities inHeifei, Anhui Province, said Tuesday on their official Weibo account that the woman,Luo Haili, stood in between the train door andclung ontothe handle while making phone calls,supposedly to her husband, atBengbu South Railway Stationon January 5 when the train was about to leave.

The G1747 service was running from Bengbu to Guangzhou in south China's Guangdong Province.

Luo has been identified as a teacher atYonghong Road Primary Schoolin Heifei City. She has been suspended from her postfollowing the incident,Luyang Districteducation bureau said Tuesday, according to a report by thepaper.cn.


In a two-minute video shot by other passengers,Luo refused tostep inside the train or retreat to the platformwhile railway staffers repeatedly asked her to let go of the door handle. She argued that she was waiting for her husband.

Luo received overwhelming criticismonline, with netizens alleging she has broken the law and suggesting shebe banned from trains for life.



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