我还是剧评中的观点。每个人都有自由思考、发言、和阅读的权利,只要不刻意且恶毒地诋毁、嘲讽、伤害、贬低、和攻击他人。但是每个人的思考模式、信息来源都有局限。关于那些热闻中出现的人和事,他们(高 官、媒体人、运动员、网红等)的本质、实体、真相。。。可以说没有人全面、切实、深入地了解。
我很喜欢政 治,因为政 治中无比鼓舞士气和感动人心的无私奉献,那些不惜牺牲自己的热泪盈眶。
我很厌恶政 治,因为政 治中无可避免的 “暗黑正义”,诸多计谋,利用,和悲愤的牺牲。
这个世界上不存在完美的人,政 治家,或政 经体系。
那位记 者涉及了敏 感的话题,关于失 踪人群的例子,和那片纷 争的海域,这可能就是触及点。但是外 长的回复让我有些失望。除了千变万不变的套路和说辞,变化的只是以经济为底气的 “气势”。如果你细致地分析一下其全部内容,斯认为毫无逻辑,气度和人格魅力可言(但我对他本人并不了解。我想真正了解他全部为人和品质的也极为稀少,所以我只是就他对回应那个记 者的那番说辞而论)。都可以听到那位交传飘渺无奈的叹息声了,但是她还是做出了迅速的相对完整和柔和的翻译。面对那个提问,斯认为有更好的方法和说辞去回答。要做到让对方哑口无言这不是难事,但要给出让对方心服口服,甚至为之折服倾倒的答复岂不是更好?!有时会想,这样的问题必定是会问到的,为什么从来没有人事先准备好一套精妙的答案,让人会为之拍案叫绝的,让人能真正有心想要去了解中国实情的回复?
关于这个并不是给我的提问,我想发表几句感言。首先非常感谢这位JZ对中国状况的深切关心。每个人都有自己的立场,职责和主张。你的发问体现了你作为一个JZ的职责,我表示钦佩和感激。但是每个人也都无可避免的拥有自己的局限,无论是JZ,百姓,还是国家L导人。所以你看到的未必就是事实的全貌,整体和实质。中国从被列强瓜分侵占的弱小痛苦局面(谢谢加拿大没有参与八国联军,并在二战时给予中国的支援),到如今将众多的百姓脱离贫困,步入小康,走向繁荣不过百年。而从当初的一穷二白,到如今世界第二大经济体,中国所独自承受的血和泪,挣扎和苦痛,热情和梦想,绝对不是简单的三言两语就可以道尽说明的。这个世界上不存在完美的人,ZZ家,M主,人Q,或Z经体系。但是,有的却是更多热爱着这个不完美世界的平实人群,和永不退色的纯粹,执著,热情,和梦想。中国,中国的百姓,中国的ZZ家也在用各自的方式,充满炙热希望地努力着,奋斗着,包括M主和人Q。今天, 我来到加拿大,是为了就中加合作的多项事宜进行进一步深入的探讨,是为了中加两国平等互惠共进的利益,以及两国民众长久美好深厚的友谊。 请相信和支持逐渐发展强大的中国以及我们良善的中国百姓。谢谢。
I would like to offer a few comments on the previous question that was not directed at me. First of all, I would like to thank the journalist for your deep concerns on China's current situation. We all have our perspectives, duties, and propositions. And I would like to express my deep respect and gratitude to the fact that you are doing your job by asking that question. Inevitably, we all have our own limitations, regardless of our positions, whether we are a journalist, ordinary folks, or politicians. Most often what you see doesn't necessarily reflect the full picture and true essence of reality.
It only took China less than a hundred years to lift countless of people out of poverty and lead them into prosperity, from a country that was so devastated and traumatized by numerous foreign invaders, brutal wars and manslaughter. No simple words can fully describe and explain the blood that Chinese people shed; the tears that Chinese people spilled; the struggles, sufferings, and pains endured by China all by itself; and all those passion and dreams behind.
There is no perfect human being on earth, no perfect politician, no perfect democracy, no perfect human rights, and no perfect eco-political system. Instead, we are all ordinary people who deeply love this imperfect world after discovering its true color. Instead, each person is enthusiastically working hard towards his/her dreams, and we are doing our very best to protect our conviction, perseverance, and passion. Our country, our people, our politicians are utilizing power to the best of our very abilities to embrace and work on many challenges that we are facing, while standing strong with our wishful hopes.
Today, I come to Canada. My primary intention is to further discussions on various collaborative issues between China and Canada. My purpose of the trip is for our equal, mutually-beneficial, and jointly-advancing interests; as well as our profound, cordial, and deep friendship. Please kindly believe and support our nation that's still in the progress of continuous development, and our amiable people. Thank you.