Lesson 52 Mud is mud

1. Shade 浓淡深浅,色度

A delicate/rich/ soft shade of blue

2. Greyish 有点灰;amber-like





3. Dispel 消除

Some articles that are posted in the WeChat moments need tobe dispelled.

4. Outlandish 古怪的,极不寻常的

Synonym: bizarre

5. Develop

Develop a habit

break a habit

develop 还有“冲洗(胶片)”的意思

6. Cure 治愈

Joining the morning reading group cures my laziness.

7. Put out 灭火;生气

Work sb up 使发怒

8. Be beyond sb 使人无法想象

It's beyond me why she gets married at a young age.

9. Concoction 调制品,混合物


10. Put on/do 模仿

11. Beat a retreat 仓促逃走

12. Relate 讲述,叙述;联系

Synonym: Connect

13. Adorn 装饰

Synonym: decorate

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