OkCupid | Asian, Vegan, Athlete

My self-summary

I'm not one who relishes being the center of attention, but here goes... I'm an easy-going and genuine guy with strong character and a pretty good sense of humor. Oh, and I'm also really, really, ridiculously good-looking (name that movie!), at least compared to some.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is a big part of my life and I work hard to stay fit, although since I love being active, it doesn't really seem like work. I believe that how old you feel is, to a large extent, within your control. I take good care of myself, can keep pace with those nearly half my age, and if I were an actor, feel I could easily play a character at least 10 years younger.

My interests are quite varied and range from rock climbing, working out, volleyball, snowboarding, and biking, to movies, dining out, and checking out local events. Although I'm generally pretty active, it's definitely not unusual for me to turn into a couch potato every now and then.

Music is a great love of mine. I enjoy playing acoustic guitar and singing along with it, but typically only when nobody's around. :-) I'm a very intellectually curious person and enjoy learning about a wide variety of things and consequently do a fair amount of reading.

What I’m doing with my life

Working and trying to enjoy all that the Bay Area has to offer. I also enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures, and am especially appreciative of the humanity and grounding that often accompanies such experiences.

OkCupid | Asian, Vegan, Athlete_第1张图片
Chengdu, China. I just couldn't convince them to let me take this guy home with me.

I’m really good at

Being pretty good, but not great, at many things - a jack of all trades, master of none. I have many and varied interests, but don't consider myself really great at any of them. I do, however, have pretty high standards so even though I may not consider myself to be that great at certain things, others' opinions may differ. :-)

The first things people usually notice about me

That I'm a spittin' image of Ryan Reynolds. People say we're essentially twins.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

Books: primarily non-fiction. I read a lot but most of it is via the internet.

Movies: comedy, drama, action, sci-fi, horror, even chick-flicks - I like 'em all!

TV: Not much these days, but I do enjoy watching American Ninja Warrior and, if I'm being honest, a fair amount of random YouTube vids.

Music: varied but leans towards pop/rock. I particularly like acoustic versions of pop/rock songs.

Food: I pretty much like all food, but in general, I eat pretty healthy.

Six things I could never do without

Aside from the obvious, there's really only one thing I could never do without and that's my health. That's why I place such a high priority on leading a healthy lifestyle.

High on my list of "hard to do without" are:

  • exercise and being active
  • music and my guitar
  • learning, whether it be a new song on the guitar, a new subject matter, or a new activity
  • sunny days
  • warm showers
  • good sleep

I spend a lot of time thinking about

Duh, I'm a guy, c'mon! :-P

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about vegetarianism/veganism for ethical (huge animal lover here), health, and environmental reasons. I'm currently experimenting with a vegan diet, primarily with an eye on its effect on my athletic performance. So far, so good!

On a typical Friday night I am

at the gym climbing or working out, having dinner with friends, relaxing at home watching TV or a movie, or doing some reading. Loud bars and clubs are really not my scene. Maybe that's why I'm here?

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

At the risk of losing my Man Card, I'll admit that when I'm at home, I pee sitting down. It's just a whole helluva lot cleaner.

I'll also admit that I can rap the entirety of Vanilla Ice's timeless classic "Ice Ice Baby". All right stop, collaborate, and listen...

You should message me if

you lead a healthy lifestyle (or at least are trying to), think we share some things in common, and would like to get to know me better! Or you just want people to think you're dating Ryan Reynolds.

OkCupid | Asian, Vegan, Athlete_第2张图片
Asian, Animal lover, Athlete

Q: just pop in to tell you no on vegan. seen patients lost their health. if u don't want to kill ur sex drive like a monk, why eat like one. ​

A: Thanks for your concern, but becoming vegan has been one of the best things I've ever done. I have more energy and recover from my workouts more quickly. I routinely physically outperform meat-eating peers much younger than me. I've had my blood tested and all my numbers are very good - my cholesterol in particular, which was stubbornly high for many years, has improved dramatically. And since you mentioned it, my testosterone levels did not drop; in fact, they actually went up a bit. Most people's notions of veganism are antiquated and honestly, a lot of that is due to the brilliant marketing propaganda put forth by the meat and dairy industry. There is a TREMENDOUS amount of science and data to support the health benefits of veganism. I used to be a heavy meat eater and staunchly believed that meat was necessary for good health. However, I pride myself on having an open and objective mind and when presented with the science behind veganism, I found it simply too compelling to ignore. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong and when it comes to meat, I was wrong for much of my life. I obviously have no experience with the patients you treated but I hope you realize that being vegan does not automatically equate to being healthy. After all, Oreo cookies, soda, and candies are all vegan but are far from healthy. While there will always be random exceptions, assuming your patients were adhering to a varied, whole-foods-based, vegan diet, I find it very hard to believe that their health would decline.

Q: Very interesting, I'd like to have your whole week's diet. Because we need to give balanced suggestions to vegan patients too. good to learn from you. :) you got awesome pictures especially the panda one

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