








I’ve spent much time this past year in the work of Wendell Berry, the writer and farmer from Kentucky, and have noticed that he creates a variety of impressions. Some champion him for his environmentalism, seeing him as a leader in protecting Earth from rampant industrialism and thoughtless development. Others are dismissive of his regionalism and singularly local focus, or regard him as curmudgeonly and frustratingly contrarian (maybe pointing to his cheekyBy the Bookinterview in theNew York Timeslast year, in which he responded to a question about what author he’d like to meet, living or dead: “I am grateful to have known several authors living and dead, and am not greedy.”) Some see the Port William farming community of his fiction as a model of sorts for their own lives; others see it as a last grasp to a way of life that is done for, a relic of past times. Personally, I have been very moved by Berry’s writings. He paints a picture of a unified life that appeals to me, arguments for its feasibility today notwithstanding. In all the discussions of Berry I’ve encountered, one element of his writing that frequently gets overlooked is its playfulness and joy, of which I was reminded this past week reading through his collection of poemsGiven. He takes pleasure in his poetry and prose; it is clear that he delights in the world, even in the brokenness and sorrow of which he frequently writes. The little poem “Why” is a good sample:

Why all the embarrassment

about being happy?

Sometimes I’m as happy

as a sleeping dog,

and for the same reasons,

and for others.

Joel Pinckney
