A15012 Joyce Lee
1.actually in progress: ongoingprojects
2.continually moving forward;developing
3.remaining in existence;continuing
1.But politics, however noisy, isless important than the ongoing structural realities that this report and itscousins describe.
2.When asked about theseallegations, a public relations representative at Next responded, “We nevercomment on ongoing litigation.”
1. continuous continuingstar currentstar
1. Incontinuous infrequent intermittent stopping
[verb] (used with object) state with assurance,confidence, or force; state strongly or positively; affirm; aver: He assertedhis innocence of the crime. maintain or defend (claims,rights, etc.). state as having existence;affirm; postulate:
1.But he's right toasserttheGOP's problem is deeper than ORCA and social media.
2.Does her character continue tofind her independence andassertherself in their marriagethis season?
1. asseverate, avow, maintain. See declare.2. uphold, support. See maintain.
1. deny.
[verb] (used with object), falsified,falsifying. make false or incorrect,especially so as to deceive: to falsify income-tax reports. alter fraudulently. represent falsely:Hefalsified the history of his family to conceal his humble origins. to show orprove to be false; disprove: to falsify a theory.
[verb] (used without object), falsified,falsifying. make false statements.
1: The scientific method cannot establishtruths; it can only falsify hypotheses.
2: Other families go to much more extremelengths, like those who falsify applications or tax returns.
1, 3. See misrepresent.
4. rebut, discredit, refute, confute,controvert.
1. the curved path, usually elliptical,described by a planet, satellite, spaceship, etc., around a celestial body, asthe sun.
2. the usual course of one's life or rangeof one's activities.
3. the sphere of power or influence, as ofa nation or person: a small nation in the Russian orbit.
4. Physics. (in Bohr theory) the pathtraced by an electron revolving around the nucleus of an atom.
5. an orb or sphere.
6. Anatomy. the bony cavity of the skullthat contains the eye; eye socket. the eye.
7. Zoology. the part surrounding the eye ofa bird or insect.
[verb] (used with object)
8. to move or travel around in an orbitalor elliptical path: The earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days.
9. to send into orbit, as a satellite. verb(used without object)
10. to go or travel in an orbit.
1.Are we just human-sized bundlesof molecules locked in orbit, with the occasional collision to add change andmeaning?
2.The angle that sunlight hitsthe planet changes at different parts of the orbit.
1. tending to compel, as to force or pushtoward a course of action; overpowering: There were compelling reasons fortheir divorce.
2. having a powerful and irresistibleeffect; requiring acute admiration, attention, or respect: a man of compellingintegrity; a compelling drama.
1.Obama has got to provide acompellingoverviewfor what he is trying to do throughout this explosive region of the world.
2.Perhaps the mostcompellingwayis through family history, as David Laskin does in his fascinating new book.
1.having or representing theearth as a center: a geocentric theory of the universe.
2.using the earth or earthly lifeas the only basis of evaluation.
3.viewed or measured as from thecenter of the earth: the geocentric position of the moon.
1.After the geocentric illusionhad been destroyed, the anthropocentric illusion still remained.
2.There are two centres,heliocentric and geocentric as the scientists say.
1.Astronomy. the obscuration ofthe light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun(lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the interventionof the moon between it and a point on the earth (solar eclipse) a similarphenomenon with respect to any other planet and either its satellite or thesun. The partial or complete interception of the light of one component of abinary star by the other.
2.any obscuration of light.
3.a reduction or loss of splendor,status, reputation, etc.: Scandal caused the eclipse of his career. verb (usedwith object), eclipsed, eclipsing. cause to undergo eclipse: Themoon eclipsed the sun. make less outstanding or importantby comparison; surpass: a soprano whose singing eclipsed that of her rivals.
1.Why has this ritual remained socherished, indeed foundational, while so many other ancient commandments havefallen into eclipse?
2.So if the eclipse passes, posthoc ergo propter hoc works just fine, thanks.
1.continuing or enduring forever;everlasting.
2.lasting an indefinitely longtime: perpetual snow.
3.continuing or continued withoutintermission or interruption; ceaseless: a perpetual stream of visitors allday.
4.blooming almost continuouslythroughout the season or the year.
5.a hybrid rose that isperpetual.
6.a perennial plant.
1.Bill Clinton views Melanne as acalming influence, a confirmed loyalist and aperpetualoptimist.
2.They will not change the mindsof Israelis who would rather live in perpetual war than leave the land they saybelongs to them.
1. permanent, enduring. See eternal.
3. continuous, incessant, constant,unending, uninterrupted.
1. temporary.
3. discontinuous.