
Legal Daily on Wednesday generated wide public attention with a report about a loophole in Baidu digital mapping service that was exploited by underground entertainment venues involved in prostitution. The venues registered "points of interest" on the maps using false information, the report said.

  • 展开全面核查 carry out thorough examination
  • 将可疑POI全部下线 remove all the POIs in question

火星模拟基地 Mars simulation base

credit rating system

Tencent Holdings Ltd, the social networking-to-payment conglomerate, is developing a credit-scoring system. This is the company's latest attempt to seize market share from archrival Alibaba Group Holding Ltd in China's lucrative online payment sector.

  • 信用危机(credit crisis)指信用过度扩张,资本主义货币流通和信用领域中出现的剧烈震荡和混乱。信用危机的主要表现是:商业信用和银行信用遭到破坏,大量存款从银行提出,大批银行倒闭,商业信用需要减少,借贷资本的需要大大超过供给,利息率急剧上升。

contaminated egg

Dutch investigators arrested two suspects Thursday over Europe's widening tainted egg scandal, as Denmark announced that 20 contaminated tons had been sold there.
