
Test the Default Multicast Address

Use this procedure to test if you can use the default multicast address. The run script uses a multicast address, either the default address or an alternative address supplied by your network administrator.

The first part of the test may succeed, but subsequent parts of this test may fail. Therefore, perform full testing in different directions to determine the reliability of multicast for your installation.

Follow these steps:

Install JBoss or WildFly and the JDK on the computer.


Run sender on first node as follows:

Navigate to the main folder.

app server-home\modules\system\layers\base\org\jgroups\main.

Run the following command:

java -cp jgroups-3.2.7.Final-redhat-1.jar org.jgroups.tests.McastSenderTest -mcast_addr -port 5555

Run receivers on other nodes in the cluster as follows:

Navigate to the lib folder.

Navigate to appserver_home\modules\system\layers\base\org\jgroups\main.

Run the following command:

java -cp jgroups-3.2.7.Final-redhat-1.jar org.jgroups.tests.McastReceiverTest -mcast_addr -port 5555

Send a message from the first node as follows:

On the console of the first node, enter any text and press enter.

Confirm that a reply appears, to acknowledge the text was sent.

Confirm that the message appears on the console of all other nodes in the cluster.

If either the send or receive test fails, ask your network administrator to provide a multicast address that works and repeat this test.
