Troy (特洛伊)
Paris (帕利斯)
Helen (海伦)
Homer (希腊诗人荷马)
Achilles (阿基里斯)
In modern-day Turkey, many archaeologists believe that this was once the site of the ancient city of Troy. In the 11th century BC, the mighty heroes and Greek gods fought in a decade-long battle called the Trojan War. This bloody war symbolised the age of the heroes or so said the Greek poet Homer, whose bookThe Iliad,recounted the long and bloody conflict in approximately 1200 BC.
A Trojan Prince named Paris visited Greece. There he met Helen, said to be the most beautiful woman in the world and the wife of Menelaus the king of Sparta. Paris then eloped with Helen, sweeping her off to Troy but King Menelaus wanted her back. Thus began the long and infamous Trojan War. Homer said it took ten years and over a thousand Greek ships to defeat Troy. Finally, the clever ruse of the Trojan horse enabled the Greeks to sack the city.
But were the heroes of the Trojan War such as Nestor, Ajax and Achilles real historical figures? Or was the story merely inspired fiction? Historians debated whether the Trojan War occurred at all. Yet, one amateur archaeologist devoted his life to try to prove the story true. His name was Heinrich Schliemann, a self-made millionaire, who in 1875 excavated a site he presumed to be Troy. There, he found palace walls and gilded tombs of Bronze Age Kings. He felt sure that they were the remains of the mighty city Homer had written about.
然而特洛伊战争中的英雄人物Nestor、Ajax和Achilles是真实存在吗,或着,这些故事仅仅是得自富有灵感的虚构故事?历史学家们曾就“特洛伊战争是否发生过”展开过激烈的讨论。所幸,一位毕生致力研究的业余考古学家证明了故事的真实性,他就是白手起家的百万富翁Heinrich Schliemann。他曾于1875年挖掘出一处他认为的特洛伊遗址。在那里,他找到了青铜器时代国王的宫殿城墙和镀金墓穴。他确信那就是荷马笔下强大城池的遗址。
“I believe there probably was a Trojan War. There's a great deal of evidence that the city of Troy was sacked numerous times. In fact, it’s staggering how many times that city was was sacked and destroyed by presumably invading armies and fires over a period of centuries, and to which strata of Troy, Homer’s Iliad pertains, I don't think anyone can ever know.”
The city of Troy and the heroes have clashed in the legendary Trojan War are among the most haunting symbols of the ancient world. Although for most ancient Greeks, their gods and heroes were a fact of life. There are a few who questioned their existence.
“Heraclitus is another philosopher around that time, said the gods lie and steal and commit adultery. Who can believe in gods like these?”
As Christianity swept through the Mediterranean, the mighty and mischievous Greek gods and heroes replaced by other divinities. Yet in some form, the gods of ancient Greece still exists today.
“The gods continue to exist in one sense that we're still talking about them, we read about them, we hear about them, particularly in Greece and Italy. We can find cults of various saints within Christianity that seem to be rooted in the very same ancient places, where there used to be worship of ancient deities.”
The gods who were believed to have lived here 3,000 years ago, still have the power to haunt the modern imagination, a tribute to the magnetic draw of the past, which beckons us in search of history.
Source from: Youtube
Dictated by: Nieve
Translated by: Nieve