Day161 | 遇见POWH3D(一) - justo、mantso、inventor语录2018-07-26


2018-07-26,justo在discord上一共681条消息,3d-general 603条,announcements 2条,translations-wiki 57条,中文 19条。


Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 0:22 speculation
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 0:22 fun
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:16 eternal dividend torment
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:16 welcome to dividend hell
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 one day when the pot on fomo gets big enough
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 ill tell you the game theory behind it (L:游戏背后的理论到底是什么呢?)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 but if i tell you now it ruins it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 trust me, its really just
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 JUST
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:17 yeah i do know why
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:18 ones the bank the other is fomo fast lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:18 the baaaaaaannnkkkkkk
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:18 its the community bank
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:19 we left the bank closed source with the plans of updating it later
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:19 yep
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:19 3d crypto no worries we know the fud
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:20 our response to the bank fud is essentially
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:20 awe this is gonna be really annoying setting up the bank variables again
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:20 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:21 soon
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:21 hes out
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:27 i dont know what fast will do
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:27 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:27 it will definitely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:27 ake everyone angry
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:27 everyone
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:28 theres a lot of bugs in fomo3d sadly
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:28 a lot that means its not going to suck up all the eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:28 just most of it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:29 i built a.lot of features designed to be working right now to.make the game go higher no matter what
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:29 like airdrops
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:29 and those are broken
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:29 pot swap is also broken which is us deploying the non final version accidentally. so thatll mean it sucks up less eth too
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:30 essentially we made the biggest eth game on eth and its sucking up all the eth and will forever (L:划重点)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:30 and
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:30 i think we coulda done better
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:30 airdrop on short is broken
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:31 uhh version fomo3d 2.3 was launched and not 2.4
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:31 short needed os updates
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:31 well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:31 theres 1k eth i short right now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 we can uhh
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 lock it and drain it and launch another but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 the part that is broken would still be broken
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 and feeding the other one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 so no point
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 soso itll be a crazy jackpot
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:32 with crazy rules on short
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:33 yeah pretty much
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:33 we can uhh
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:33 get that eth later
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:33 but after the gsmes are done
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:33 we will give it to the community
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:34 you may see a revised version of fomo3d in the future
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 2:34 after this one ends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:39 i mean if you guys want you can make a poll or something demanding we exit scam. 馃槀
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:40 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:40 how mad would people be
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:40 if we exit scammed it to charity based on a poll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:40 that would be amazing
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:41 lmfao make polls on it because the concept of the poll itself
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 4:41 is hillarious
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:32 its always fud time
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:54 fyi
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:54 if you throw money mindlessly at the contract
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 it'll stick and give you keys on launch
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 thats all you need to know
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 also
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 who made that augur bet
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 can i bet on that
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 am i allowed to insider trading
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 theres some bet on if we'll fix it or not
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 ill uhh
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:55 ill let you guys know if we'll have the bank contract ready for deployment
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:56 so you can get free money
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:56 but also
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:56 thats really funny because any fud right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:56 would make people bet on the opposite
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:56 its like a bet on if we exit scam or not
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:57 put money in
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:57 get dividends forever
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:59 shhh
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:59 dont tell anyone
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 5:59 but fomo3d is another step in our plan to universal basic income distributed by p3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 that thread is awesome
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 i love that thread
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 P3D right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 is a platform, fairly distributed, decentralized completely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 dividends based on volume, takes eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 from fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 where does fomo3d get eth from
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 greed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:00 P3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:01 is now volume based and greed based UBI
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:01 trustless
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:01 its all designed to be trustless
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:01 although theres stupid ass bugs in fomo3d that we need to fix
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 we got that tho
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 they're being fixed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 that is curiously a very interesting concept
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 naw
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 fomo short is gonna be a crazy betting game
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 where its just gonna give free eth to crazy people for no apparent reason
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 and not make any sense
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:02 and make everyone mad
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 and its gonna make people rich and lots of money but also mad
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 it could
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 okay
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 we found out right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 that at any time
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 without us having any idea, or control over it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 a round of fomo3d fast just ends and gives it to the current guy based completely on rng
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 literally
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 any of you
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 could just win
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 with no idea when thats going to happen
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 its not RNG
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:03 not anything we can predict
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 its just
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 could happen
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 its uhh
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 the EVM doing a funny thing
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 that we didn't predict
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 not a bug
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 but its funny
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 essentially right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 block times on eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 can be longer than the timer of the game
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 so thats it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 you buy a key
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 you win
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:04 we had no idea eth could have 2 minute block times
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 but it did the other day
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 and we were like damn
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 okay
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 thats gonna be fun
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 no its block time
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 so like randomly
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 if miners just shit it up and dont find a solution for 2 minutes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 the game ends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 someone random
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:05 is going to win
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:06 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:07 fast essentially
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:07 right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:07 i think
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 its gonna do some crazy like 20-30 rounds
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 and then probably be over
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 should do, yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 rounds will be lightning phases really
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 we had goals for fast
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 to do other things
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 but we broke those other things
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:08 so it'll be some lightning jackpots
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 hey i mean
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 1). We made the most complicated smart contract ecosystem on ethereum
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 for free
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 no ico funding or anything
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 we also, believe it or not
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:09 are not 2000 year old blockchain developers
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:10 hahahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:10 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:10 i had no idea what solidity was until like 4 months ago
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:11 Fomo3D was developed in about 2 months
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:12 @zachdotcom#5599 short answer, yes. Long answer, yes but it gets stuck forever 馃槶
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:12 depends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:12 we have no way of predicting what short will do
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:15 well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:15 okay
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:15 We had a really awesome mechanic that we had working fully and fixed internally
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:15 and we managed to deploy the version that was not fixed without realizing it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:15 that would have had short essentially run forever
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 Sucks, but we can't fix it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 We could for example drain short and release a new contract and put the eth in there as a pot so you can play with it while its fixed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 but it doesn't connect
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 Well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 we cant
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 theres 20k eth in long
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 we cant move that, unless we exit scam it and move it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:16 but we cant do that properly
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 hmmm
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 you know
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 thats a really
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 REALLY
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 interesting concept
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 Killing the game by exit scamming it, release everyones lockdown and dividends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:17 and release a new fixed code fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 and then put the exit scam in the next one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 as a seed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 hmmm
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 We cant exit scam p3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 That's a very interesting idea
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 well someone else found a backdoor, that we can fix right now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 or we can do what you guys said
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:18 Someone found a bug where we can marty
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:19 fyi
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:21 P3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:21 IS SAFE
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:21 WE CANT AND WILL NEVER
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:21 EVER
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 BE ABLE TO MANIPULATE P3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 EVER
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 f3d has a backdoor we fixed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 but someone found out we fixed it but we could do it anyway
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 just final pot
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 everyone gets divs
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 naw
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:22 i wouldn't
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 hmmm
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 standby
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 we have been presented
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 with an astoundingly interesting idea
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 that includes us exit camming
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:37 COMMENCE FUD
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:38 fud fud fud
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:47 So
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:47 Heres a question
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:48 If we were to end, the current round of Fomo3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:48 And you would earn all ethereum
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:48 all dividends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:48 all lockdown
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:48 you are owed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 And we take that eth that we snag from the pot
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 and we take Fomo3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 and Fomo3D fast
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 IF
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 WE FIX EVERYTHING
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 Fast, Slow, Airdrops, Pot Swap, the button.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:49 And put all the eth we pull from the exit scam back into the first round of those games as seeded fully free lockdown eth.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 !slowdown off
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 Essentially
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 P3D IS SAFE
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 IT WOULD BE
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 ESSENTIALLY
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 LIKE A BRAND NEW ROUND OF FOMO3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:50 THAT STARTS AT 10K FREE ETH IN THE POT
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:51 Mind you, i would be doing this transfer myself guys
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:51 you would be trusting me with 10k eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:51 GUYS HELP I RESET MY METAMASK
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 Yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 we understand
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 literally everyone who bought in recently
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 its going to be a bad bet
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 Of course
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:52 this is just seeing what the opinions are
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:53 Well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:53 We're doing this to fix a lot of bugs
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:53 right now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:53 as it stands
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 1.5% of the eth that goes into the game is gonna get locked up
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 And also
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 We're going to open source all of it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 all of it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 and clearly
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 completely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 if
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 you find a bug
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 or an exploit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 we will give you permanent shares
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 of all fomo3d revenue
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 permanent shares
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 PERMANENT
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 SHARES
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 so
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:54 Essentially
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 it would be 100% audited
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 by
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 everyone
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 Wouldn't have 10k eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 current one wont fizzle out
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 Yep
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 that loophole is what we would do to do this for you
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 Within this week
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:55 likely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 if we decided on it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 I think
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 it needs a vote
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 Yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 we can
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 Well
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 no
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 okay this would be
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 EXACTLY
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 as if the round had ended
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:56 as if people stopped bidding
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:57 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:57 peter is fine
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:57 he's just kinda mean
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:57 he's clever though
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:57 eth needs him
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 The thing is
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 the game is a bet on greed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 and a bet on when it crashes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 if it ends now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 the bet might have been bad
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 but the idea is that the players in the next round
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 which can be everyone
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:58 stand to gain far, far more
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 its a very difficult problem
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 If we did this
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 fyi
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 short would not launch in 2 days
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 we would launch both short and long together
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 6:59 with pre seeded pots
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:13 We can 100%
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:14 guarantee i drain it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:14 Yep
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:15 The exploit allows us to essentially say that the only person who is allowed to play anymore is justo
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:15 no chance
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:15 that would suck
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 Yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 The round ends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 as if nobody has bid for 24 hours
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 as nobody will
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 because
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:16 its more fun to put it it in the game
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:17 than it is for me to take it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:17 i wouldnt
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:17 i wouldn't buy keys
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 10k eth would be seeded, we wouldn't buy keys with it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 into the next round on the unbroken contract
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 with full open source audit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 if anyone finds an exploit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 in these new contracts
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 you get a permanent share of the revenue from f3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 through the bank
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 period
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:18 Because the other 10k goes to divvies
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 i would probably drain about 13.5k? A little more or so
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 it would be seeded
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 anything we pull
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 would be seeded
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 We might increase the key price
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 Most likely increase key price by 1.5x or 2x scaling
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 but thats about it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 P3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 WILL GET
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 ABOUT
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:19 2000-3000 ETH
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:20 IN DIVIDENDS
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:20 I WILL PICK SNEK
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:33 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:33 why dump p3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:33 you get massive dividends from it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:34 Naw
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:34 Theres two results right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 1). We fix it and leave it as is
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 2). We put 10k into a new pot and who cares you have to fight over it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 Like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 realize
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 The two options
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 are dont do it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:35 or do it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:36 Not that long
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:36 would be pretty quick for us to make the revisions and put up everything
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:36 would probably go out around when fomofast is supposed to
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:36 maybe a bit longer
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:37 Blockchain tee
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:37 you'll get dividends
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:37 and lockdown
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:37 @Carnifico#3887 do you truely and completely believe that i do not understand the design of the game that i created and what will happen to later players
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:38 hahahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:38 nope
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:38 24 hours
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:38 I still don't know what solidity is
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 pulling a thanos, oh man
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 thats a good one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 I think you guys are not realizing
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 that im weighing it right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 late investors
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 you're gonna get short term screwed, i know
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 i know you are
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 it sucks, but right now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 you dont realize it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 but the bugs in the contract ALREADY HAVE YOU SCREWED
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 the fucking exploits
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 broke the game in a bad way
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:39 which means the best way for us to help you guys
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:40 is fix them and give it a chance with a fully fixed setup
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:40 Yeah, so when you guys are telling me im not thinking
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:40 Im thinking really hard
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:40 because i really do understand
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:41 Rlly hard 馃槩
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:52 wait
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:52 did my fud crash facebook
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:52 (表情:JuiceBox)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:52 wtf
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 The thing is
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 its a bet right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 im making a bet, for all of you
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 that if we fix this
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 if we deploy it right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 if we audit it RIGHT
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 if we make it open source
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 anyone can audit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 my bet
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 is that it goes 100x what it is now
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:53 thats my bet
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:54 its short term fud
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:54 its gonna suck for new player
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:54 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:55 drunk on divvies
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:55 good
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:55 do it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 You think so
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 because what happens to that 10k i seed
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 is that a scam
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 no
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 i wont be taking any keys for it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:56 straight to the pot
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:57 >fake pot
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:57 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:57 this is the best scam
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:57 guys why did you click on a link that said
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:58 exit scams with exit scam strategy outlined in exit scam site
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:58 you do know
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:58 p3d gets divs
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:58 p3d gets dividends as if instantly 30k eth went in
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:59 What we want to do
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 7:59 Is we'll 100% it internally
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 This is not official
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 it is not absolutely going to happen
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 i ask you guys for your opinion
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 because we genuinely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 genuinely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 give a damn
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 AHH F3D CLASSIC
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 oh man
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 actually
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 we should call the new one F3D classic
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:22 F3D cash
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:23 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:23 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:23 we'll launch f3d diamond
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:23 and f3d gold
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:24 f3d private
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:24 the anonymous features dont work
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:24 just like bitcoin private
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:28 They will
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:28 definitely
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:28 but its not a drain
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:40 What do you mean YTN
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:40 wow
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:40 john can we go hunting
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:41 We'll let you guys know tomorrow
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:41 what we decide
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:43 hahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:43 option 3
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:43 all in on etherroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:43 etherroll is a 50/50 chance to double it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:43 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:44 option 4
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:44 mystery box
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:44 not very big
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:45 hahahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:45 we're putting all 10k eth into bitconnect
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:45 it'll go up
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:46 i will trade you my worthless ven for it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:46 which
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:46 have died
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:46 TIME IS CRYPTO
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:46 YOU HAVE FAILED ME
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:47 so today
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:47 on binance
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:47 everyone lost 100% of the ven they had
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:47 and the price went to 0$
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 9:47 binance went all in on etherroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:21 UH
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:21 worst case for p3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:21 is everyone sells
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:21 thats about it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:52 we're trying to think up funny names for when i steal everything and run away with it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:52 p3d is never ever going above 5k ever again
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:52 p3d is never ever going to 20k ever again
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:53 p3d is never ever going to double 20k
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:53 anyway
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:53 So what name do i use
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 10:53 its gonna be up there for like 24 hours
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:45 wow
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:45 why is eth such a shitcoin
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:45 what is up with this price
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:46 Fomo3D though, should be hopefully very visibly apparent to not be a safe investment lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:46 not sure if the text i wrote everywhere gives it away
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:46 about the exit scamming bit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:46 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:46 i can write it bigger maybe
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:48 Yeah
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:48 that was us testing it onnn
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:48 testnet
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:48 ends up
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:48 testner and mainnet do different things
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:49 because eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:49 of course
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:49 Ropsten, Testnet and Mainnet all run on different versions of the EVM
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:49 actually
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:50 We'll see
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:51 1). We gotta definitely absolutely confirm that we can do it without a doubt 100% totally
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 ill make sure to go offline the second i recieve it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 for highest quality fud
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 im telling you guys
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 etherroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 50% chance we double it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:52 what could go wrong
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:53 yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:53 double down
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:53 10m --> 20m
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:53 50% chance
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:53 why not
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 illl make us a photoshop (截图:etheroll)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 that we can post
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 for etheroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 P3D IS SAFU
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 really safu
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:54 bulletproof safu
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:55 anti missile defense system safu
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:55 scud anti air safu
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:55 hydrogen railgun intercontinental ballistic missile defense system safu
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:56 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:57 oh wow actually this is trash (截图:etheroll)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:57 bet 10k only get 10053 if we win
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:58 馃槀
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:58 someone would find me
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:58 and kill me
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:58 like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:58 i know i'm already destined to die from our shenanigans
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:59 but that would be a lot of death all at the same time
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:59 yeah so
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:59 divine drained like 400? eth
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 12:59 and lost it on etherroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:00 exitscammed me
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:00 best news article title
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:00 ever
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:01 Justo exit scammed""
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:01 tell you what
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:01 ill put in like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:01 what if i just take 10k and only give back 9,999
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:02 what if i put back 10001
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:02 where did the 1 come from
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:02 does that make it net positive sum
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:02 no longer negative sum
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:02 really
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 divine was such a fool, i remember when he first contacted me
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and was like
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 haha look what i made"" and then he exit scammed that
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and then he did another one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and another one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and then he got to the final one
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and that one went big
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:03 and i was like ""Guys he's just gonna exit scam""
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:04 lol
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:04 divine invented clones
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:04 actually
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:04 馃
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:05 the old precursor contracts that were actual pyramid schemes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:05 was what he cloned
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:07 I'm waiting for one more dev
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:07 and then a confirmation that it works
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:07 and we can put it out as a proposition
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:08 no no its fomo3d classic
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:08 get it right
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:08 fomo3d SHADOWFORK
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:09 Fomo3d segwit
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:09 super fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:09 hyper fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:10 quantum fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:10 oh boy
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:10 you know somewhere during development i was going to call something quantum fomo3d
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:10 i think the fast version
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:10 but that was just a really bad name
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:11 Fomo3D NEXT
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:11 Fomo3.1D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:11 Hahahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:12 Fom0x 3D
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:12 Bitfomonect
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:13 fomoconnect hahaha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:13 damn
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:13 50$
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:15 you dont
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:15 eth is magical internet beans
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:15 you cant ever cash it out
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:16 i need ethereum
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:16 to be back where it should be
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:16 at 600$
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:36 You can tag me
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:36 all you want
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:36 ill just never respond
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:36 (表情:JuiceBox)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:36 mantso told me im only allowed to bet 5,000 on etheroll and i had to bet the other 5,000 on ethcrash
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:44 etherroll
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:45 is not successful because that page takes like six days to load
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:45 players get bored
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:45 tab out
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:45 dont play


Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 ######## Hey @everyone , we know theres some really fun articles going around whining about some way that we might maybe be able to break the game., , Relax, Team JUST fully and completely intends to force you to suffer the eternal torment of watching the pot and your dividends increase endlessly. We have no interest in taking the pot for ourselves and will work tirelessly to find a trustless solution to this problem. , , But you gotta admit the clickbait articles screaming AHHH THIS EXIT SCAM IS EXIT SCAMMING are pretty awesome., , 鉂?;;


Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:29 你好
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:31 我们正在讨论将Fomo3D转移到新的固定合同的有趣选择。 你觉得这怎么样?
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:32 原因在于,如果我们转向适当的固定合同,游戏的功能将使得增加的速度比现在更快
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:34 @钟声#8283 [5:32 PM] 钟声: 问题是利益分配方案 管理说扣留10k 然后选择蛇队 给p3d分红20% 这对新玩家太不公平了 事实并非如此,您将获得所有锁定和股息支付
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:35 我正在使用谷歌翻译,但我想知道你的想法。 这不是一个决定。 您的意见仍然很重要。 我们需要知道我们是否认为你应该这样做。
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 8:44 我正在阅读你的反馈意见
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:06 @韭菜王#7083 还在看着叉子 (谷歌翻译)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:16 @yu2go#2181 ??
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:22 该漏洞现已得到确认,屏幕截图不再正确。
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:24 我们有办法打破游戏,我们正在寻找解决方案
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:24 P3D是安全的
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:27 我们正在调查使用漏洞将所有以太坊转移到具有更好功能的fomo3d的新分支。, , 更高的键缩放, 开源审计, 固定空投, 固定锅交换, , (对不起谷歌翻译,虽然从中文翻译成英文非常好)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:31 We are still not sure that this is the best solution, we know that the key will not be transferred, and it may make many people feel like they are lost., , We bet that game improvements and fixes allow you to buy in advance and drive contracts faster and recover all the value you might lose., , 我们仍然不确定这是最好的解决方案,我们知道密钥不会被转移,并且可能会让很多人感觉好像丢失了, , 我们打赌,游戏改进和修复允许您提前购买并更快地推动合同并恢复您可能失去的所有价值。
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:34 Pot exchange is the way Fomo FAST and fomo LONG communicate with each other. This feature is currently broken., , This means that fomo FAST will end soon and you won't benefit. Fomo LONG's investment is also slow, because the airdrops can't keep the players unchanged., , We believe that repair is the best solution for your future profits and games., , Pot交换是Fomo FAST和fomo LONG相互沟通的方式。 此功能目前已被破坏。, , 这意味着fomo FAST将很快结束,你不会受益。 Fomo LONG的投资也很缓慢,因为空投不能保持球员不变。, , 我们相信维修是您未来利润和游戏的最佳解决方案。
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:35 这个决定不是最终决定,我们会在什么时候宣布。, , This decision is not final and we will announce when.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:39 我们将开源我们移动以太坊的所有合同,合同将是公开审计,任何人都可以找到错误。 如果发现错误和漏洞,我们将奖励任何具有合同收入永久份额的发现者。, , , We will open source all of our Ethereum contracts, and the contract will be publicly audited and anyone can find the error. If errors and vulnerabilities are discovered, we will reward any finder with a permanent share of contract revenue.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 13:43 如果可能,仍需要确认此决定。 我们正在与社区讨论,以了解您的意愿。, , This decision still needs to be confirmed if it is possible. We are discussing with the community to understand your wishes.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:25 P3D没有任何LOOPHOLES,它将通过修复fomo3d合同获得非常大的回报。 3000+以太坊瞬间。, , P3D doesn't have any LOOPHOLES, it will get a very big return from fixing the fomo3d contract. 3000+ Ethereum instant.
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:28 ,他们同意我们是否应该这样做。 我们仍在等待发明人确认其完全正常运转。, , They agree that we should do this. We are still waiting for the inventor to confirm that it is fully operational.


Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:34 Really
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:34 because thats not the impression i was getting
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:34 Maybe not,
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:35 Its very confusing for us in english as google translate makes chinese very understandable
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:35 I can easily understand what you all are saying
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 I was getting those translations from maojk
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 but
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 you mean
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 Chinese announcements
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 Some of them, yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 sorry some were translated with google
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:37 okay, so you want
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:38 A chinese announcement and talking area
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:38 okay
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:39 hmmm
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:39 ok
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:40 i will swap to bing translation in the future
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:40 to fix issues
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:40 is there a chinese to english translation service
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:41 maybe that would be more accurate
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:41 when i need to use such
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:41 one that is geared towards chinese
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:41 yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:41 i know, we shall make it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:46 Would you like a strong hands
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:46 okay
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:46 what do we call it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 how do we translate strong hands
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 强有力的手 ?
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 yes
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 invisible to all below rank 5
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 >death
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:47 we should rename our strong hands channel to that
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:48 ??
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:48 wow really
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:48 is that mandarin or simplified
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:48 is that my problem
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:48 because google translate literally says it means ""Die more""
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:49 據點
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:50 据点
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:50 just teaching me that nothing in english matches
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:50 that's the reason i can't use google tranlate, that makes sense
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:51 dead team
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:51 see what in the world
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:51 you're messing with me m8
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:52 (截图:Google翻译)
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:52 thats absurd
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:52 i saw, i told them pot and it did not translate
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:52 at all
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:53
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:53 ??
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 14:59 升级到 bing 翻译有我
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 15:00 haha
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 15:00 you know if i erase it
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 15:00 reload the page
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 15:01 and put it back, it translates as something else
Justo#1300 2018/7/26 15:04 铁腕


Author Date Content Attachments
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 14:46 Etherroll that pays P3D when?
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 16:03 Bitconnect wasn't decentralized.
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 17:14 Unless you see us publically announce a delay, there is no delay. Don't worry unless there is reason to. Currently, there isn't any reason to.
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 17:17 This can be discussed by any of us, but there is no official delay unless it is either:, A) Stated on our website(s)., B) Stated in the #announcements., , Everything else are nothing but "could" or "should".
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 17:17 @Tombraider#6591 No.
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 17:23 We understand some of the concerns you guys could be having, given all the mixed information in the media out there. , , I will say this. If there was any cause for concern for you as a community, we would have announced it straight off. We, as team JUST, recognize like no other team how important the community is. You guys stand central in this decentralized project. You guys are the ultimate authority when it comes to all of our products. Therefore, by logical extend, we serve you. And by that I say; there is no cause for concern. We are currently addressing the best way to address the situations and mentions brought forth by others. We'll keep you guys up to date as best we can, as always!
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 17:25 @Tombraider#6591 Your answers (and others) will be explained in a more elaborate post, as we get this question tens of times per day now. To answer this most effectively, we rather just explain everything in a big post instead of chats that get lost in th
mantso#4230 2018/7/26 22:13 @BryanGo#9520 Welcome to game theory.


Author Date Content Attachments
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:01 had a quick second to pop in
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:01 i've been getting a lotta questions
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:01 about fomo3d fast
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:01 so
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:01 i wanted to show you guys this infographic
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 that explains the entire fomo3d fast game
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 are you guys ready?
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 !winf3d
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 bahahahhahahahhaahah
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 !winf3d
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 thats all you need to know
inventor#6696 2018/7/26 3:02 ok gtg 馃槂 gye gye



2018-07-27 L

你可能感兴趣的:(Day161 | 遇见POWH3D(一) - justo、mantso、inventor语录2018-07-26)