ceph rgw:put obj实现


  • 前言
  • Atomic类型对象
  • Multipart类型对象
  • 附录


上传一个对象到rgw,要写多个地方(开启bi log和data log的话):

  1. .rgw.buckets.data pool中加入一个名为 _的对象
  2. .rgw.bucket.meta pool中的bucket index对象的omap中增加该对象的信息
  3. bucket index对象的omap中还要增加bi log
  4. .rgw.log pool 的data_log对象的omap中增加data log





  • RGWPutObj::execute
    • RGWPutObj_Compress::prepare
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::prepare
    • put_data_and_throttle
      • RGWPutObj_Compress::handle_data
        • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::handle_data
          • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::write_data
            • RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio::handle_obj_data
              • RGWRados::aio_put_obj_data
                • librados aio API
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio::throttle_data
    • RGWPutObjProcessor::complete
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::complete





  1. RGWPutObjProcessor *processor,这个对象是一个父类指针,根据对象传输方式的不同,会指向两个不同的对象:RGWPutObjProcessor_AtomicRGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart。分别处理Atomic对象和Multipart对象的上传工作。
  2. RGWPutObjDataProcessor *filter意如其名,作为一个中间件的存在,其handle_datathrottle_data函数,会根据是否设置sse和compression调用不同子类的函数,对数据进行压缩、加密等工作。然后将处理后的数据传递给RGWPutObjProcessor_MultipartRGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic的对应函数进行处理。
void RGWPutObj::execute()
  // 变量定义、初始化
  RGWPutObjProcessor *processor = NULL;

  // filter用于对数据进行处理,比如加密和压缩
  RGWPutObjDataProcessor *filter = nullptr;
  std::unique_ptr encrypt;
  // 用于存储用户提供的md5、计算的md5 相关的数组
  char supplied_md5_bin[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE + 1];
  char supplied_md5[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE * 2 + 1];
  char calc_md5[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE * 2 + 1];
  unsigned char m[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE];
  MD5 hash;

  bufferlist bl, aclbl, bs;
  int len;
  map::iterator iter;
  bool multipart;
  // copy source range 相关
  off_t fst;
  off_t lst;
  // 根据zone配置选择object的压缩类型,可为none或具体的压缩插件名字
  // http://docs.ceph.com/docs/kraken/radosgw/compression/
  const auto& compression_type = store->get_zone_params().get_compression_type(
  CompressorRef plugin;
  boost::optional compressor;

  bool need_calc_md5 = (dlo_manifest == NULL) && (slo_info == NULL);
  op_ret = -EINVAL;

  // 解析并检查请求参数是否完整、正确
  // 判断用户请求object name、bucket name等是否正确
  if (s->object.empty()) {
    goto done;
  if (!s->bucket_exists) {
    op_ret = -ERR_NO_SUCH_BUCKET;
  // 解析并判断http请求的相关参数,包括copy obj的情况、包含tagging的情况、包含version的情况,以及基本的objname和bucketname解析
  op_ret = get_params();
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "get_params() returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
    goto done;

  op_ret = get_system_versioning_params(s, &olh_epoch, &version_id);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "get_system_versioning_params() returned ret="
              << op_ret << dendl;
    goto done;

  // 判断并处理请求是否提供了md5来校验请求完整
  if (supplied_md5_b64) {
    need_calc_md5 = true;

    ldout(s->cct, 15) << "supplied_md5_b64=" << supplied_md5_b64 << dendl;
    op_ret = ceph_unarmor(supplied_md5_bin, &supplied_md5_bin[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE + 1],
                       supplied_md5_b64, supplied_md5_b64 + strlen(supplied_md5_b64));
    ldout(s->cct, 15) << "ceph_armor ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
    if (op_ret != CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE) {
      op_ret = -ERR_INVALID_DIGEST;
      goto done;

    buf_to_hex((const unsigned char *)supplied_md5_bin, CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE, supplied_md5);
    ldout(s->cct, 15) << "supplied_md5=" << supplied_md5 << dendl;

  // 判断http传输是否使用了chunk传输的方式,如果没有,可以直接根据content length来判断quota,否则需要等到所有chunk接收完成
  if (!chunked_upload) { /* with chunked upload we don't know how big is the upload.
                            we also check sizes at the end anyway */
    // 判断是否满足user和bucket的quota约束
    op_ret = store->check_quota(s->bucket_owner.get_id(), s->bucket,
                user_quota, bucket_quota, s->content_length);
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      ldout(s->cct, 20) << "check_quota() returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
      goto done;
    // 判断是否满足bucket index的shard的约束
    op_ret = store->check_bucket_shards(s->bucket_info, s->bucket, bucket_quota);
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      ldout(s->cct, 20) << "check_bucket_shards() returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
      goto done;
  // 当启用Multipart上传时,用户每次上传新part需要带上之前上传response中返回的etag
  // 判断用户是否提供了etag
  if (supplied_etag) {
    strncpy(supplied_md5, supplied_etag, sizeof(supplied_md5) - 1);
    supplied_md5[sizeof(supplied_md5) - 1] = '\0';
  // 判断用户是否使用multipart方式的obj,并返回对应的processor : RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic 或 RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart
  // 并用multipart (bool)标识是否是multipart
  processor = select_processor(*static_cast(s->obj_ctx), &multipart);

  // no filters by default
  filter = processor;

  /* Handle object versioning of Swift API. */
  if (! multipart) {
    rgw_obj obj(s->bucket, s->object);
    op_ret = store->swift_versioning_copy(*static_cast(s->obj_ctx),
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      goto done;

  // 调用RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic或RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart的prepare:
  // RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic:
  //   写入前的准备工作:生成对象名称前缀、设置placement rules、
  //   在内存中创建对应的对象、设置切分head和tail对象的尺寸等等工作
  // RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart:
  //   比起Atomic,多了处理uploadId和partNumber的过程
  // 完成对应的工作后,嵌套调用RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio的prepare:
  //   根据用户配置,设置aio的window size
  // 然后会嵌套调用RGWPutObjProcessor的prepare:
  //   设置RGWPutObjProcessor的store指针
  op_ret = processor->prepare(store, NULL);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "processor->prepare() returned ret=" << op_ret
              << dendl;
    goto done;

  // 如果是copy source range操作,获得source对象的起止偏移
  fst = copy_source_range_fst;
  lst = copy_source_range_lst;

  // sse相关,如果用户设置了sse,则进行加密的准备
  op_ret = get_encrypt_filter(&encrypt, filter);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    goto done;
  // 需要加密时,filter用于加密数据
  if (encrypt != nullptr) {
    filter = encrypt.get();
  } else {
    //no encryption, we can try compression
    if (compression_type != "none") {
      // 不需要加密时,并且compression_type被设置了,filter被用于压缩数据
      plugin = get_compressor_plugin(s, compression_type);
      if (!plugin) {
        ldout(s->cct, 1) << "Cannot load plugin for compression type "
            << compression_type << dendl;
      } else {
        //  如果一切都没问题,构造compressor
        compressor.emplace(s->cct, plugin, filter);
        filter = &*compressor;

  // 前期参数解析、工具准备、head obj初始化、写入ctx初始化工作完成       
  // 下面从req中读取数据,经处理后存入rados

  do {
    bufferlist data;
    if (fst > lst)
    if (!copy_source) {
      // 如果不是copy,是正常的put
      // 读取请求体rgw_max_chunk_size字节的数据到data
      /* 有关rgw_max_chunk_size的解释:
        Option("rgw_max_chunk_size", Option::TYPE_INT, Option::LEVEL_ADVANCED)
        .set_description("Set RGW max chunk size")
          "The chunk size is the size of RADOS I/O requests that RGW sends when accessing "
          "data objects. RGW read and write operation will never request more than this amount "
          "in a single request. This also defines the rgw object head size, as head operations "
          "need to be atomic, and anything larger than this would require more than a single "
      len = get_data(data);
    } else {
      // 否则,从另一个对象读取
      uint64_t cur_lst = min(fst + s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_chunk_size - 1, lst);
      op_ret = get_data(fst, cur_lst, data);
      if (op_ret < 0)
        goto done;
      len = data.length();
      s->content_length += len;
      fst += len;
    if (len < 0) {
      op_ret = len;
      ldout(s->cct, 20) << "get_data() returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
      goto done;
    // 计算data的md5
    if (need_calc_md5) {
      hash.Update((const byte *)data.c_str(), data.length());
    /* update torrrent */

    /* do we need this operation to be synchronous? if we're dealing with an object with immutable
     * head, e.g., multipart object we need to make sure we're the first one writing to this object
    bool need_to_wait = (ofs == 0) && multipart;

    bufferlist orig_data;

    if (need_to_wait) {
      orig_data = data;

    // 先将调用RGWPutObj_Compress::handle_data数据进行压缩
    // (或加密 或者 什么都不做)
    // 然后调用`RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::handle_data`
    // 将处理后的数据切分成一个head和多个tail对象
    // handle_data最终调用`store->aio_put_obj_data`函数,将对象写入rados
    // 在使用librados异步写时,需要先调用aio_create_completion函数,该
    // 函数会返回一个rados_completion_t类型的对象,来表示异步写的状态
    // rados_completion_t: Represents the state of an asynchronous operation
    //  - it contains the return value once the operation completes, 
    // and can be used to block until the operation is complete or safe.
    // put_data_and_throttle调用throttle_data时会传入这个对象的指针(handle)
    // 这里,如果是上传Multipart类型对象的第一块数据,need_to_wait为true
    // need_to_wait为true表示函数会等到该块数据写入rados才返回(变为同步写)
    op_ret = put_data_and_throttle(filter, data, ofs, need_to_wait);
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      if (!need_to_wait || op_ret != -EEXIST) {
        ldout(s->cct, 20) << "processor->thottle_data() returned ret="
              << op_ret << dendl;
        goto done;

      /* need_to_wait == true and op_ret == -EEXIST */
      ldout(s->cct, 5) << "NOTICE: processor->throttle_data() returned -EEXIST, need to restart write" << dendl;

      /* restore original data */

      /* restart processing with different oid suffix */

      processor = select_processor(*static_cast(s->obj_ctx), &multipart);
      filter = processor;

      string oid_rand;
      char buf[33];
      gen_rand_alphanumeric(store->ctx(), buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);

      op_ret = processor->prepare(store, &oid_rand);
      if (op_ret < 0) {
        ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: processor->prepare() returned "
             << op_ret << dendl;
        goto done;

      op_ret = get_encrypt_filter(&encrypt, filter);
      if (op_ret < 0) {
        goto done;
      if (encrypt != nullptr) {
        filter = encrypt.get();
      } else {
        if (compressor) {
          compressor.emplace(s->cct, plugin, filter);
          filter = &*compressor;
      op_ret = put_data_and_throttle(filter, data, ofs, false);
      if (op_ret < 0) {
        goto done;
    // ofs表示当前已经从请求体中读取的数据长度
    ofs += len;
    // len==0 表示对象数据读取完成
  } while (len > 0);

    // flush 缓冲区
    bufferlist flush;
    op_ret = put_data_and_throttle(filter, flush, ofs, false);
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      goto done;
  // 如果不是chunk uoload,并且接收到的数据和content length不同,表明传输出现错误
  if (!chunked_upload && ofs != s->content_length) {
    op_ret = -ERR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
    goto done;
  s->obj_size = ofs;

  perfcounter->inc(l_rgw_put_b, s->obj_size);

  // 如函数名……
  op_ret = do_aws4_auth_completion();
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    goto done;
  // 判断是否超出quota限制
  op_ret = store->check_quota(s->bucket_owner.get_id(), s->bucket,
                              user_quota, bucket_quota, s->obj_size);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "second check_quota() returned op_ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
    goto done;
  // 判断是否超出bucket index 某个shards的最大obj数目
  op_ret = store->check_bucket_shards(s->bucket_info, s->bucket, bucket_quota);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "check_bucket_shards() returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl;
    goto done;


  // 将压缩信息加入attrs
  if (compressor && compressor->is_compressed()) {
    bufferlist tmp;
    RGWCompressionInfo cs_info;
    cs_info.compression_type = plugin->get_type_name();
    cs_info.orig_size = s->obj_size;
    cs_info.blocks = move(compressor->get_compression_blocks());
    ::encode(cs_info, tmp);
    attrs[RGW_ATTR_COMPRESSION] = tmp;
    ldout(s->cct, 20) << "storing " << RGW_ATTR_COMPRESSION
        << " with type=" << cs_info.compression_type
        << ", orig_size=" << cs_info.orig_size
        << ", blocks=" << cs_info.blocks.size() << dendl;

  buf_to_hex(m, CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE, calc_md5);

  etag = calc_md5;

  // 判断数据的md5是否符合期望
  if (supplied_md5_b64 && strcmp(calc_md5, supplied_md5)) {
    op_ret = -ERR_BAD_DIGEST;
    goto done;

  // 把acl信息存入xattr
  emplace_attr(RGW_ATTR_ACL, std::move(aclbl));

  // dlo 和 slo暂时不懂,略过先
  if (dlo_manifest) {
    op_ret = encode_dlo_manifest_attr(dlo_manifest, attrs);
    if (op_ret < 0) {
      ldout(s->cct, 0) << "bad user manifest: " << dlo_manifest << dendl;
      goto done;
    complete_etag(hash, &etag);
    ldout(s->cct, 10) << __func__ << ": calculated md5 for user manifest: " << etag << dendl;

  if (slo_info) {
    bufferlist manifest_bl;
    ::encode(*slo_info, manifest_bl);
    emplace_attr(RGW_ATTR_SLO_MANIFEST, std::move(manifest_bl));

    hash.Update((byte *)slo_info->raw_data, slo_info->raw_data_len);
    complete_etag(hash, &etag);
    ldout(s->cct, 10) << __func__ << ": calculated md5 for user manifest: " << etag << dendl;

  // etag相关
  if (supplied_etag && etag.compare(supplied_etag) != 0) {
    goto done;
  bl.append(etag.c_str(), etag.size() + 1);
  emplace_attr(RGW_ATTR_ETAG, std::move(bl));

  // 将其他 (其他从http请求中获得的、对象需要的attr),存入xattr
  populate_with_generic_attrs(s, attrs);
  op_ret = rgw_get_request_metadata(s->cct, s->info, attrs);
  if (op_ret < 0) {
    goto done;
  encode_delete_at_attr(delete_at, attrs);
  encode_obj_tags_attr(obj_tags.get(), attrs);

  /* Add a custom metadata to expose the information whether an object
   * is an SLO or not. Appending the attribute must be performed AFTER
   * processing any input from user in order to prohibit overwriting. */
  if (slo_info) {
    bufferlist slo_userindicator_bl;
    slo_userindicator_bl.append("True", 4);
    emplace_attr(RGW_ATTR_SLO_UINDICATOR, std::move(slo_userindicator_bl));

  // 完成之前未完成的head和tail的写入,为head设置xattr
  op_ret = processor->complete(s->obj_size, etag, &mtime, real_time(), attrs,
                               (delete_at ? *delete_at : real_time()), if_match, if_nomatch,
                               (user_data.empty() ? nullptr : &user_data));

  // only atomic upload will upate version_id here
  if (!multipart) 
    version_id = (static_cast(processor))->get_version_id();

  /* produce torrent */
  if (s->cct->_conf->rgw_torrent_flag && (ofs == torrent.get_data_len()))
    torrent.init(s, store);
    op_ret =  torrent.complete();
    if (0 != op_ret)
      ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: torrent.handle_data() returned " << op_ret << dendl;
      goto done;

  // 释放processor
            (ceph_clock_now() - s->time));



    bufferlist data;
    // 从请求体读取最多 rgw_max_chunk_size 字节的数据到data
    len = get_data(data);
    op_ret = put_data_and_throttle(filter, data, ofs, need_to_wait);
  } while (len > 0);


static inline int put_data_and_throttle(RGWPutObjDataProcessor *processor,
                    bufferlist& data, off_t ofs,
                    bool need_to_wait)
  bool again = false;
  do {
    void *handle = nullptr;
    rgw_raw_obj obj;

    uint64_t size = data.length();
    // 有关Aio的部分,可以查阅附录A
    // handle指针指向aio返回的对象,可以通过handle得知aio是否完成
    int ret = processor->handle_data(data, ofs, &handle, &obj, &again);
    if (ret < 0)
      return ret;
    if (handle != nullptr)
      // 将obj和handle封装后放入 Aio类的pending队列
      // 并根据window_size限制pending队列的大小
      ret = processor->throttle_data(handle, obj, size, need_to_wait);
      if (ret < 0)
        return ret;
    need_to_wait = false; /* the need to wait only applies to the first
               * iteration */
  } while (again);

  return 0;
} /* put_data_and_throttle */



int RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::handle_data(bufferlist &bl, off_t ofs, void **phandle, rgw_raw_obj *pobj, bool *again)
  *phandle = NULL;
  // data_ofs表示当前已经执行写入操作的所有数据
  // next_part_ofs表示下一rados对象的开头,也就是当前要写入的rados对象的结尾
  // 也就是说,总数据从cur_part_ofs开始到next_part_ofs结束的部分写入cur_obj指向的rados对象

  // 这么做是因为一个rgw对象会被切分成多个rados对象(一个head,多个tail),每个默认大小4M
  uint64_t max_write_size = std::min(max_chunk_size, (uint64_t)next_part_ofs - data_ofs);

  // 把bl中的数据move到pending_data_bl的尾部
  // 如果加上bl中的数据,数据总长度仍然达不到写入操作的阈值(max_chunk_size),返回,等待下一次handle_data的调用
  if (pending_data_bl.length() < max_write_size)
    *again = false;
    return 0;
  // 把pending_data_bl前max_write_size字节的数据移到bl中
  pending_data_bl.splice(0, max_write_size, &bl);

  // 如果pending_data_bl剩下的数据仍然大大于写入操作的阈值(max_chunk_size)
  /* do we have enough data pending accumulated that needs to be written? */
  *again = (pending_data_bl.length() >= max_chunk_size);

  // 如果是head对象 并且 immutable_head()为false
  // data_ofs为0表示第一次写数据
  // immutable_head()函数
  //   在RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic中默认返回false
  //   但可能会被子类继承并重写
  if (!data_ofs && !immutable_head())
    // 将bl中数据move到first_chunk中
    obj_len = (uint64_t)first_chunk.length();
    // 更新next_part_ofs和cur_part_ofs,将cur_obj指针指向当前要写入的rados对象
    int r = prepare_next_part(obj_len);

    if (r < 0) return r;
    // 更新总写入的数据偏移data_ofs
    data_ofs = obj_len;
    return 0;
  off_t write_ofs = data_ofs;
  data_ofs = write_ofs + bl.length();

  // 对于不可改变类型的对象,当上传其head对象时,做一下标志,让后面做特别处理
  bool exclusive = (!write_ofs && immutable_head()); /* immutable head object, need to verify nothing exists there
                                                        we could be racing with another upload, to the same
                                                        object and cleanup can be messy */
  // 该函数先判断write_ofs是否大于next_part_ofs
  // 如果是,则调用prepare_next_part函数,更新cur_obj、cur_part_ofs、next_part_ofs
  // 然后,将pobj设为cur_obj
  // 最后调用 hanle_obj_data 函数,做进一步操作
  // hanle_obj_data通过aio_put_obj_data,最终调用了librados aio相关的api,将数据异步写入rados
  int ret = write_data(bl, write_ofs, phandle, pobj, exclusive);
  if (ret >= 0)
  { /* we might return, need to clear bl as it was already sent */
  return ret;


这个函数主要是做收尾工作,之前在put_data_and_throttle函数中开始了异步写流程,在收尾时,首先等待所有异步写操作完成。然后将上传的rgw对象的attrs信息写入head对象的xattr中,并写bi log、bucket index,完成对象上传操作。

int RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::do_complete(size_t accounted_size, const string &etag,
                                           real_time *mtime, real_time set_mtime,
                                           map &attrs,
                                           real_time delete_at,
                                           const char *if_match,
                                           const char *if_nomatch, const string *user_data,
                                           rgw_zone_set *zones_trace)
  // 等待该rgw对象的所有异步写稻作完成
  int r = complete_writing_data();
  if (r < 0)
    return r;
  // 标识该对象为Atomic类型的对象

  // 将该rgw对象的attrs写入head对象的xattr中
  RGWRados::Object op_target(store, bucket_info, obj_ctx, head_obj);

  /* some object types shouldn't be versioned, e.g., multipart parts */

  RGWRados::Object::Write obj_op(&op_target);

  obj_op.meta.data = &first_chunk;
  obj_op.meta.manifest = &manifest;
  obj_op.meta.ptag = &unique_tag; /* use req_id as operation tag */
  obj_op.meta.if_match = if_match;
  obj_op.meta.if_nomatch = if_nomatch;
  obj_op.meta.mtime = mtime;
  obj_op.meta.set_mtime = set_mtime;
  obj_op.meta.owner = bucket_info.owner;
  obj_op.meta.flags = PUT_OBJ_CREATE;
  obj_op.meta.olh_epoch = olh_epoch;
  obj_op.meta.delete_at = delete_at;
  obj_op.meta.user_data = user_data;
  obj_op.meta.zones_trace = zones_trace;
  obj_op.meta.modify_tail = true;

  r = obj_op.write_meta(obj_len, accounted_size, attrs);
  if (r < 0)
    return r;

  canceled = obj_op.meta.canceled;

  return 0;


  • RGWPutObj::execute
    • RGWPutObj_Compress::prepare
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart::prepare
    • put_data_and_throttle
      • RGWPutObj_Compress::handle_data
        • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::handle_data
          • RGWPutObjProcessor_Atomic::write_data
            • RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio::handle_obj_data
              • RGWRados::aio_put_obj_data
                • librados aio API
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio::throttle_data
    • RGWPutObjProcessor::complete
      • RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart::do_complete

相比于一次上传完成的Atomic对象,Multipart对象会被分成多个part进行上传,甚至可能跨越一段非常长的时间。所以对其的处理略有不同,有关具体Multipart的运作方式可以参考:Multipart Upload

对于Multipart类型对象的上传过程,数据写入过程完全一样,不同的在于processor->prepare(store, NULL)函数的前期准备工作不同,prepare阶段主要做的就是确定写入目标,根据bucket、oid等信息构造存入rados的对象的名称前缀。




至于Multipart对象的完成步骤,不属于put obj的一部分,是额外一条请求,不在此展开。


int RGWPutObjProcessor_Multipart::do_complete(size_t accounted_size,
                                              const string& etag,
                                              real_time *mtime, real_time set_mtime,
                                              map& attrs,
                                              real_time delete_at,
                                              const char *if_match,
                                              const char *if_nomatch, const string *user_data, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace)
  // 等待异步写完成
  // 向head对象的xattr中写入attrs
  RGWRados::Object op_target(store, s->bucket_info, obj_ctx, head_obj);
  RGWRados::Object::Write head_obj_op(&op_target);

  head_obj_op.meta.set_mtime = set_mtime;
  head_obj_op.meta.mtime = mtime;
  head_obj_op.meta.owner = s->owner.get_id();
  head_obj_op.meta.delete_at = delete_at;
  head_obj_op.meta.zones_trace = zones_trace;
  head_obj_op.meta.modify_tail = true;

  int r = head_obj_op.write_meta(obj_len, accounted_size, attrs);
  if (r < 0)
    return r;
  // 将该对象的信息封装到RGWUploadPartInfo对象
  // 然后将该对象encode并写入到multipart_meta_obj对象的omap中
  bufferlist bl;
  RGWUploadPartInfo info;
  string p = "part.";
  bool sorted_omap = is_v2_upload_id(upload_id);

  // 准备omap的key
  if (sorted_omap) {
    string err;
    int part_num_int = strict_strtol(part_num.c_str(), 10, &err);
    if (!err.empty()) {
      dout(10) << "bad part number specified: " << part_num << dendl;
      return -EINVAL;
    char buf[32];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%08d", part_num_int);
  } else {
  info.num = atoi(part_num.c_str());
  info.etag = etag;
  info.size = obj_len;
  info.accounted_size = accounted_size;
  info.modified = real_clock::now();
  info.manifest = manifest;

  // 从attrs从拿到该对象的压缩信息,也存入info
  bool compressed;
  r = rgw_compression_info_from_attrset(attrs, compressed, info.cs_info);
  if (r < 0) {
    dout(1) << "cannot get compression info" << dendl;
    return r;

  ::encode(info, bl);

  string multipart_meta_obj = mp.get_meta();

  rgw_obj meta_obj;
  meta_obj.init_ns(bucket, multipart_meta_obj, mp_ns);

  rgw_raw_obj raw_meta_obj;

  store->obj_to_raw(s->bucket_info.placement_rule, meta_obj, &raw_meta_obj);

  r = store->omap_set(raw_meta_obj, p, bl);

  return r;



这个类是对librados aio相关的操作做的一个简单的封装,在阅读put obj相关代码之前,对其系统性了解下,有助于阅读代码。

这个类维护了一个pending队列,表示当前处于aio写入过程中的obj,用pending_size表示这个队列中所有在写数据的大小,而window_size则被用于限制队列的大小,需要尽量满足pending_size < window_size


struct put_obj_aio_info {
  void *handle;
  rgw_raw_obj obj;
  uint64_t size;

#define RGW_PUT_OBJ_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT (16 * 1024 * 1024)

class RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio : public RGWPutObjProcessor
  // 当前正在进行的所有aio的状态信息,可以通过其中的handle成员判断aio是否完成
  list pending;
  // 允许处于pending状态的最大数据限制,要尽量满足pending_size <= window_size
  uint64_t window_size{RGW_PUT_OBJ_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT};
  // 当前处于异步写过程的总数据量
  uint64_t pending_size{0};

  // 弹出并返回pending中的第一个info,并从pending_size中减去弹出的info对应的size
  struct put_obj_aio_info pop_pending();
  // 弹出并等待pending中的第一个info对应的异步写完成
  // 完成后,将写入完成的obj加入written_objs,返回
  int wait_pending_front();
  // 查询pending中的第一个info对应的异步写是否完成
  // 背后调用了librados的wait_for_safe,safe的标准是数据已经写入到所有replicas
  bool pending_has_completed();
  // 最后一个完成的obj
  rgw_raw_obj last_written_obj;

  uint64_t obj_len{0};
  // 已经完成异步写的objs
  set written_objs;
  // 存储该rgw对象的head对象的信息
  rgw_obj head_obj;

  void add_written_obj(const rgw_raw_obj& obj) {
  // 等待所有pending中的对象弹出并完成异步写,然后才返回
  int drain_pending();
  // 开始一次异步写,将bl中数据写到obj中偏移ofs的位置,并将phandle指向handle
  int handle_obj_data(rgw_raw_obj& obj, bufferlist& bl, off_t ofs, off_t abs_ofs, void **phandle, bool exclusive);

  int prepare(RGWRados *store, string *oid_rand) override;
  // 将handle_obj_data返回的handle和对应的obj封装后存入pending队列
  // 根据底层rados情况调整window_size
  // 如果pending_size > window_size,调用一次wait_pending_front,减小pending_size
  int throttle_data(void *handle, const rgw_raw_obj& obj, uint64_t size, bool need_to_wait) override;

  RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio(RGWObjectCtx& obj_ctx, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info) : RGWPutObjProcessor(obj_ctx, bucket_info) {}
  ~RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio() override;
}; /* RGWPutObjProcessor_Aio */

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