Good night, Gorilla 备课

All is quiet at dead of night. All is quiet in the dead night.夜深人静
A quiet zoo in the night,
Sleepy yawn zookeeper took the flashlight in hand, to say goodnight to the zoo animals. He wore green suit.
First, he went to the gorilla’s cage

Naughty gorilla stole his keys, unlock the door, and went out of the cage. Gorilla make a pose, shsh, His means was “be quiet”. Look, the gorilla’s cage is red, the key is red, too. There is a bunch of bananas on the roof, and there is a pink balloon by the cage. There is a little field mouse, he wants to eat the banana. Tire, banana, book, gorilla toy, bicycle in the cage.

Naughty gorilla went away with the zookeeper, he unlocked the door of elephant, giraffe, Lion, hynena, giraffe
The mouse pulled the banana, hugged the banana, carried on the banana.
The animals followed the zookeeper one by one. But zookeeper didn’t know they were walking with him.
8点10分:eight ten
8点过10分:ten minutes past eight
差10分8点:ten to eight
8点15分:quarter past eight, quarter after eight
7点45分:quarter to eight
8点半:eight thirty ,half past eight,
What can you see in the armadillo’s pen?
An armadillo toy ,a soother,and a bottle of milk
What can you see in the elephant’s cage?
A ball, an elephant toy,some peanuts
Can you see a toy in the cage?
No, only bones.
Did you see a toy in the hyena’s cage? What else can you see in the hyena’s cage?
A cave
Which two animals sleep together? The hyena and armadillo sleep together.
Where is the little field mouse sleeping? He was sleeping in the drawer.
How does the lion sleep? He sleeps with the lion’s tale.
How many words of “good night” can you see?
Whose big red eyes? Yes, zookeeper’s wife. She looked shocked. Then she took the animals back to the zoo.
Do you remember the sequence of animals getting out of the cage?

Read the cover
M: Do you like to go to the zoo?
B: Yes/no;
M: Have you been to the zoo before? What can you see there(可以引出绘本里的动物) ?
B: Yes/no; I can see monkeys, elephants, bears ...)
M: Look at the cover, what do you see?
B: I see gorilla and zoo keeper;
M: What is the gorilla taking?
B: He is taking a key;
M: What is the gorilla doing?
B: He is saying “be quiet”;
M: What is the zookeeper taking?
B: a torch
M: Is it daytime or nighttime?
B: night time
M: Look at the title “good night gorilla”, when will you say good night?
B: before I go to bed

M: What color is the gorilla’s cage?
B: Red
M: What can you see in the gorilla’s cage?
B: Tire, banana, book, gorilla toy, bicycle
M: Can you see the pink balloon?
B: Yes
M: What is the gorilla doing?
B: He is stealing the keys
M: What is the zookeeper taking? why?
B: Torch(手电flashlight), because it is nighttime
M: Who is getting out of the cage?
B: Gorilla
M: How many keys in his hand?
B: Five
M: Can you see the little mouse holding the banana?
B: Yes
M: What ‘s the zookeeper’s name? do you know?
B: Yes, Joe
M: What color is the elephant’s cage?
B: Purple
M: What can you see in the elephant’s cage?
B: A ball, an elephant toy,some peanuts
M: What color is the lion’s cage?
B: Blue
M: Can you see a lion toy in the cage?
B: No, only bones
M: What color is the giraffe’s cage?
B: Green
M: What color is the hyena’s cage?
B: Yellow
M: Do the giraffe have a giraffe toy?
B: Yes
M: Do the hyena have a hyena toy
B: Yes
M: What else can you see in the hyena’s cage?
B: A cave
M: What can you see in the armadillo’s pen?
B: An armadillo toy and a bottle of milk
M: Now the animals follow the zookeeper one by one, where are they going?
B: To the zookeeper’s house
M: Which two animals sleep together?
B: The hyena and the armadillo
M: Where is the little mouse sleeping?
B: In the drawer
M: How does the elephant sleep?
B: He sleeps with the lion’s tale
M: How many words of “good night” can you see?
B: Seven
M: Whose big red eyes?
B: The zookeeper’s wife's
M: How does the zookeeper look?
B: She looks shocked
M: What do you think she is going to do?
B: Taking them back to the zoo
M: At last, who sleep on the bed at last?
B: The mouse and the gorilla
阅后问题 (回答OPEN)
M: Which animal is your favorite?
M: Do you remember the sequence of animals getting out of the cage?
M: Who eats the banana?
M: Do you like the story?
M: Do you go to sleep on time?

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