
Apical’s Secure, Smart Home Motion Sensors Work LikeVideo Analytics without Video

SmartHome World 2015: Skirting bandwidth and privacy concerns, Apical’s smartmotion-sensor technology enables behavioral recognition without invasive videoanalytics. (Julie Jacobson / CE Pro)



AtSmart Home World 2015, Apical discussed new sensor technology that enablesbehavioral analytics in an inexpensive motion sensor. (Video shown simply forcontext, but is not captured via Apical)


By JulieJacobson, June 24, 2015

Julie Jacobson,2015年6月24日。

Traditionalsecurity sensors can tell you if motion is detected, and may go so far as todetermine if the mover is a person, a dog or branches swaying in the wind. Butthat’s pretty much it.


Formore data on the activity, and for richer integration with home automationsystems, you would step up to video analytics or wearables. Video analytics canhelp observers track objects, count people, recognize faces and even ascertainemotions. Wearables (as well as tags for objects) can more easily enablepersonal recognition and activity tracking.


Bothof these solutions can be pricey and/or invasive. Furthermore, they can consumelarge amounts of data and require cloud-based processing.

A new sensor technology, Apical Resident Technology (ART) from London-basedApical Ltd.,enables much of the functionality of advanced video analytics andwearables, but without the bandwidth requirements and invasion of privacy.


Thetechnology, which might be likened to a “very very good PIR” or “videoanalytics without the video,” looks at “pixel disruption” in light streams todecipher activity, according to Paul Strzelecki, a business consultant forApical Limited.

根据Apical有限公司的业务咨询Paul Strzelecki,这项技术很容易让人联想到“特别特别好的PIR传感器”或者“没有视频的视频分析技术”,它主要着眼于从光线流到破译活动的“像素扰乱”。

Infact, Apical’s legacy is in the video processing, with its technology embeddedin many a smart phone and surveillance camera. The new ART technology employsimage sensors like you might find in cameras, but extracts only the data, notthe images, thus reducing bandwidth requirements and dashing privacy concerns.


Aswith video analytics, the ART technology is so accurate, says Strzelecki, thatit can “read” relationships between people as distant or intimate, for example.It can determine based on body language if a person might be threatening or inmedical distress.


Speakingat Smart Home World2015 inLondonthisweek, Apical CEO Michael Tusch explains that ART distills data into fourbuckets: trajectory, pose, gesture and identity. With that data, Apical’stechnology can 1) read people and behavior, 2) learn it and 3) generate eventsbased on the data.

在2015智能家居世界大会上的讲话中,Apical首席执行官Michael Tusch解释道:ART从四个方面提炼数据:踪迹,姿态,手势以及身份。有了这些数据后,Apical的技术可以:1)阅读人和行为,2)了解,3)基于数据生成事件。

Forexample, if an unknown person takes an unusual path across the front lawn, asystem might trigger the sprinklers to turn on.

Overtime, as a sensor network learns activities and behaviors in a household, a“system” becomes even more robust. It can potentially detect early stages ofAlzheimer’s disease based on very precise movements such as a person stoppingmid-way to the kitchen, pausing and reversing direction.



Thesensors can create a “behavioral footprint,” which Strzelecki calls BNA.

Ina more typical security application, the Apical technology can reduce falsealarms “almost to zero,” says Tusch, because it knows who should be wherewhen—even if an individual isn’t carrying a phone or wearing a magic bracelet.

Andall of this happens “entirely at the edge, at low power and low cost,” Tuschsays, who adds that raw data is captured continuously in real time at 60 fps.

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Apical sensor technology

Again,this type of tracking is readily available today through video analytics or solong as the individual wears some kind of device and (typically) the cloud isinvolved. But Apical requires so little processing power and bandwidth thatinformation can be processed and stored locally at consumer-friendly prices.

“Noneof the information needs to go outside the house,” Strzelecki says. “If it’s inthe hardware, it can be processed on the fly.”


Imagine,for example, installing Apical-enabled sensors in the bathroom, where privacyis of utmost concern and individuals are apt to strip off wearables before ashower. An Apical-enabled sensor could nevertheless detect a fall or unusualactivity.


Strzeleckisays the Apical technology will be embedded into chipsets and ready fordeployment this year. Sensors with the technology should cost little more thantraditional PIRs, he says.


Tuschadds that Apical soon will announce a major partnership with aU.S.cameramanufacturer.


