Born a Crime-7、8




Panther和Fufi是Trevor的宠物狗。Trevor最喜欢Fufi , 傻傻笨笨的,跳高一级棒。等家里人一出门,Fufi就跳出墙,等家人回来的时候,它又会在门外乖乖等候。可是有一次,Trevor偶然发现Fufi跳出墙后,跑到了另外一户人家,原来Fufi白天跑出去和这家的小男孩玩耍,等晚上再跑回来和Trevor在一起。发现这个秘密后,Trevor伤心欲绝, 感觉Fufi欺骗了他。但这也成为Trevor成长中的重要一课:爱不等于占有

It was a valuable lesson to me . The hard thing was understanding than Fufi wasn't cheating on me with another boy . She was merely living her life to the fullest .

That experience shaped what I 've felt about relationships for the rest if my life :You do not own the thing that you love . I was lucky to learn that lesson at such a young age. 


最感人就是父子相见一幕。小时候,Trevor每周和父亲见一面。但他13岁时父亲搬家后两人失去了联系。直到Trevor 24岁时,母亲鼓励他寻找父亲,解开心中的疑问。十几年的分离,Trevor心中难免对父亲的离去心存疑虑,怀疑父亲是不是真的自私,对自己漠不关心。

When a parent is absent ,you're left in the lurch of not knowing ,and it's so easy to filll that space with negative thoughts . "They don't care ." " They 're selfish. " 


Born a Crime-7、8_第1张图片
Being chosen is the best gift 

It felt like this ten-year gap in my life closed right up in an instant ,like only a day had passed since I 'd last seen him .....But he'd been with me the whole time . He'd always been pround of me . Circumstance had pulled us apart , but he was never not my father .... Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being . 




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