Elon Musk 11




It's the spaceship equivalent of an Apple laptop or a Braun kettle-an elegant, purposeful machine stripped of frivolity and waste.

.释义: to remove something that is covering the surface of something else:本意就是脱衣服的意思
搭配:strip something off/from something
    We need to strip the wallpaper off the walls first.
      strip something of something
    tall windows stripped of curtains

2.frivolity [frɪˈvɑːləti]

释义:silly and thoughtless behaviour, or silly and not important things 愚蠢轻率的行为;无关痛痒的事物
例:•I'm far too busy to waste time on frivolities like going to the cinema.我忙得不可开交,不会把时间浪费在看电影之类无聊的事上

造句:You shouldn't treat such a serious issue with frivolity.


Seeing something so large hold straight  and steady while suspended in midair is hard for the brain to register.

释义: [intransitive usually in negatives, transitive] if something registers, or if you register it, you realize or notice it, and then remember it:
例:She had told me her name before, but I guess it didn’t register.
造句:I stood there for several minutes but he didn't  register my presence.

4.ooze /uːz/

The object is to find someone who ooze passion, can work well as part of a team, and have real-world experience bending metal.

释义:If you say that someone or something oozes a quality or characteristic, or oozes with it, you mean that they show it very strongly. 凸显,洋溢(特性或特点)

例:The Elizabethan house oozes charm...

造句:Manchester United were oozing with confidence.

5.hang on

Many of the key executives who helped start the company, however, have hung on for a decade or more.

释义: If you hang on, you manage to survive, achieve success, or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition. (面对困难或阻力)坚持不懈,不泄气

例:Without the support of my parents I would have probably cracked up completely. But I managed to hang on.假如没有我父母的支持,我可能已经彻底垮掉了。但我还是坚持了下来。

造句:Manchester United hung on to take the Cup.





而Space X正是因为没有任何优势和资源,才一直拼尽全力不断创新与进步。

While the rest of the aerospace industry has been content to keep sending what look like relics from the 1960s into space, SpaceX has made a point of doing just the opposite. Its reusable rockets and reusable spaceships look like true twenty-first-century machines.

Musk does not lower the cost of deploying satellites and resupplying the space station. He wants to lower the xost of launches to the point that it becomes economical and practical to fly thousands upon thousand of supply trips to Mars and start a colony.

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