函数 stat() 详解

stat(): Get status information on a file.
    path:  pointer to a string containing the path of existing file.
    buffer:  pointer to a structure that stores results.
int _stat(
   const char *path,
   struct _stat *buffer 
結構體 _stat 的定义在 sys\stat.h 裏面,具體內容可自行查看,包括主要的字段為:

Numeric identifier of group that owns the file (UNIX-specific) This field will always be zero on Windows systems. A redirected file is classified as a Windows file.


Time of last access of file. Valid on NTFS but not on FAT formatted disk drives.


Time of creation of file. Valid on NTFS but not on FAT formatted disk drives.


Drive number of the disk containing the file (same as st_rdev).


Number of the information node (the inode) for the file (UNIX-specific). On UNIX file systems, the inode describes the file date and time stamps, permissions, and content. When files are hard-linked to one another, they share the same inode. The inode, and therefore st_ino, has no meaning in the FAT, HPFS, or NTFS file systems.


Bit mask for file-mode information. The _S_IFDIR bit is set if path specifies a directory; the _S_IFREG bit is set if path specifies an ordinary file or a device. User read/write bits are set according to the file's permission mode; user execute bits are set according to the filename extension.


Time of last modification of file.


Always 1 on non-NTFS file systems.


Drive number of the disk containing the file (same as st_dev).


Size of the file in bytes; a 64-bit integer for variations with the i64 suffix.


Numeric identifier of user who owns file (UNIX-specific). This field will always be zero on Windows systems. A redirected file is classified as a Windows file.

If path refers to a device, the st_size, various time fields, st_dev, and st_rdev fields in the _stat structure are meaningless. Because STAT.H uses the _dev_t type that is defined in TYPES.H, you must include TYPES.H before STAT.H in your code.

    1. #include <stdio.h>  
    2. #include <sys/types.h>  
    3. #include <sys/stat.h>  
    5. int main(int argc,char *argv[])  
    6. {  
    7.     struct _stat buf;  
    8.     int result = 0;  
    9.     char *filename="D:\\test.txt";//注意分隔符转换  
    11.     result = _stat(filename,&buf);  
    12.     if(result == 0){  
    13.         printf("\nFile Infomation\n");  
    14.         printf("file size = [%d]\n",buf.st_size);  
    15.         printf("file dev=[%c]\n",buf.st_rdev+'A');//注意加上大A  
    16.         return 0;  
    17.     }  
    18.     return -1;  
