Operator Chains的生成


Chaining operators together into tasks is a useful optimization: it reduces the overhead of thread-to-thread handover and buffering, and increases overall throughput while decreasing latency.

Operator Chains的生成_第1张图片

上面是官方对Operator Chains的解释,以及示意图,那么看到这个图的时候会产生一个疑问,什么场景什么样的算子会产生Operator Chains?本文将详细解答这个疑问。

Flink job执行作业过程


public class TaskDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment();

        env.addSource(new DataSource())
                .map(new MyMapFunction())
                .process(new MyKeyedProcessFunction())
                .addSink(new DataSink()).setParallelism(1).name("Custom Sink");


Program-> StreamGraph-> JobGraph-> ExecutionGraph,那么生成Operator Chains就是在StreamGraph-> JobGraph这个阶段。

Operator Chains生成规则


public static boolean isChainable(StreamEdge edge, StreamGraph streamGraph) {
  StreamNode upStreamVertex = streamGraph.getSourceVertex(edge);
  StreamNode downStreamVertex = streamGraph.getTargetVertex(edge);

  StreamOperatorFactory headOperator = upStreamVertex.getOperatorFactory();
  StreamOperatorFactory outOperator = downStreamVertex.getOperatorFactory();

  return downStreamVertex.getInEdges().size() == 1
    && outOperator != null
    && headOperator != null
    && upStreamVertex.isSameSlotSharingGroup(downStreamVertex)
    && outOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS
    && (headOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.HEAD ||
        headOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS)
    && (edge.getPartitioner() instanceof ForwardPartitioner)
    && edge.getShuffleMode() != ShuffleMode.BATCH
    && upStreamVertex.getParallelism() == downStreamVertex.getParallelism()
    && streamGraph.isChainingEnabled();

1. downStreamVertex.getInEdges().size() == 1下游算子的入边只有一个,也就是说它的上游的算子只能有一个。比如上面的样例程序,map的上游算子是source,而且只有一个source,就满足这个条件。如果是下面的程序,map的上游有两个source,即downStreamVertex.getInEdges()=2,这样sourcemap两个算子就不能构成一个chain。

public class UnionDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment();

        DataStream> orangeStream = env.addSource(new DataSource("orangeStream"));
        DataStream> greenStream = env.addSource(new DataSource("greenStream"));

        orangeStream.union(greenStream).map(new MapFunction, Tuple2>() {
            public Tuple2 map(Tuple2 value) throws Exception {
                return value;
        env.execute("Union Demo");

2.outOperator != null表示下游顶点的算子不能为null,例如TaskDemo样例中map顶点的算子就是StreamMap。

3.headOperator != null表示上游顶点的算子不能为null,例如TaskDemo样例中source顶点的算子就是StreamSource。


     * Determines the slot sharing group for an operation based on the slot sharing group set by
     * the user and the slot sharing groups of the inputs.

If the user specifies a group name, this is taken as is. If nothing is specified and * the input operations all have the same group name then this name is taken. Otherwise the * default group is chosen. * * @param specifiedGroup The group specified by the user. * @param inputIds The IDs of the input operations. */ private String determineSlotSharingGroup(String specifiedGroup, Collection inputIds) { if (!isSlotSharingEnabled) { return null; } if (specifiedGroup != null) { return specifiedGroup; } else { String inputGroup = null; for (int id: inputIds) { String inputGroupCandidate = streamGraph.getSlotSharingGroup(id); if (inputGroup == null) { inputGroup = inputGroupCandidate; } else if (!inputGroup.equals(inputGroupCandidate)) { return DEFAULT_SLOT_SHARING_GROUP; } } return inputGroup == null ? DEFAULT_SLOT_SHARING_GROUP : inputGroup; } }


Set the slot sharing group of an operation. Flink will put operations with the same slot sharing group into the same slot while keeping operations that don't have the slot sharing group in other slots. This can be used to isolate slots. The slot sharing group is inherited from input operations if all input operations are in the same slot sharing group. The name of the default slot sharing group is "default", operations can explicitly be put into this group by calling slotSharingGroup("default").

5.outOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS下游顶点的算子连接策略是ALWAYS,默认是ALWAYS,如果算子调用了disableChaining(),会设置为NEVER;如果算子调用了startNewChain(),会设置为HEAD。

6.(headOperator.getChainingStrategy()==ChainingStrategy.HEAD || headOperator.getChainingStrategy()==ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS),和上一条一样,上游顶点的算子连接策略必须是HEAD或者ALWAYS。

7.(edge.getPartitioner() instanceof ForwardPartitioner)这个表示边的Partitioner必须是ForwardPartitioner,这个是在生成StreamGraph的时候,在StreamGraph#addEdgeInternal中确定的,详细的过程可以参见这个方法。

8.edge.getShuffleMode() != ShuffleMode.BATCH,shuffle模式不能是BATCH,一共有3种模式,shuffle模式的确定也是在StreamGraph#addEdgeInternal中。

 * The shuffle mode defines the data exchange mode between operators.
public enum ShuffleMode {
     * Producer and consumer are online at the same time.
     * Produced data is received by consumer immediately.

     * The producer first produces its entire result and finishes.
     * After that, the consumer is started and may consume the data.

     * The shuffle mode is undefined. It leaves it up to the framework to decide the shuffle mode.
     * The framework will pick one of {@link ShuffleMode#BATCH} or {@link ShuffleMode#PIPELINED} in
     * the end.

9.upStreamVertex.getParallelism() == downStreamVertex.getParallelism()上游顶点的并行度和下游的要一样。例如上面TaskDemo代码中source和map的并行度都是1,所以可以构成一个chain,如果将map设置为2,那么他们就不能构成一个chain。



本文详细的分析了算子之间可以生成operator chain的条件,对于Partitioner和ShuffleMode并没有展开说明,后续文章会对这部分进行补充。

你可能感兴趣的:(Operator Chains的生成)