English Self-study Activities 自学英语

   You can use any kind study material to practice English in a variety of ways. W��ebsites, books, magazine articles, and TV shows, for example, can all be used for listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Here are some ways you can use different resources to practice your English skills.


一.Shop for a product

      Think of a product you would like to buy. Try www.amazon.com or another shopping site in English and look for the product you are interested in. Read the descriptions and the reviews.(Read) Based on what you read, decide whether or not you want to buy the product. Now write about the product.(Write) Pretend you are writing an article for a magazine. Write a description of the product. Tell why you want (or don't want) to buy it. Next, talk about the product.(Speak) Record yourself as you describe it. Listen to your recording, correct your mistakes, and record yourself again. Some websites have video reviews on a product (eg: www.cnet.com). watch these video reviews.(Listen) Then choose a different kind of product and repeat the activities.


      找一件你想要买的产品。可以上亚马逊网站或是其他英语购物网站,找一件你感兴趣的产品,并阅读它的产品描述和评论。(读)根据你读到的内容,决定是不是要买这件产品。然后假设你是要为一家杂志社写文章,为这件产品写一篇文章,描述它并阐明自己买它或是不买它的原因。接着口头描述这件产品并进行录音。(说) 听自己的录音,改正错误,再次描述并录音。一些网站有关于该产品的视频评论(比如CNET)。看这些视频评论。(听) 然后选择不一样的产品重复这些步骤。

二.Plan a vacation

    Go to www.tripadvisor.com or another travel website in English. Choose a city you would like to visit and fill in the dates for your imaginary trip. Look at the suggested hotels and read the reviews, then choose which hotel you would like to stay at. Read about the different things to do and see in the city and choose some you are intereted in.(Read) Now write about the city. Pretend that you are writing an article for a travel magazine and describe your imaginary trip for tourists.(Write) Next, give a presentation about the city. Record yourself as you describe your imaginary trip to the city.(Speak) Listen to your recording, correct your mistakes, and record yourselfs again.(Listen) Then choose a different city and repeat the activities.


      到猫头鹰网站或是其他旅行类英语网站上选择一座你想去的城市,为你的虚拟旅行制定好行程。浏览一下上面推荐的旅馆和相关评论,选一家你想去的。然后选择一些你想在这座城市里做的事情和去看的地方。(读) 然后为这座城市写一篇文章就像为旅行杂志写文章一样,为游客们描述你想象中的旅行。(写) 接下来,做一个介绍该城市的展示。当你介绍这次想象中的城市之旅时,录下音频。(说) 听自己的音频,然后改正错误,再一次录音。(听) 然后选另一座城市,重复上述步骤。

三.Find out about any subject

   Think of a topic you would like to know more about and look for imformation about it online. One place to look is http://simple.Wikipedia.org/Main–Page. This website is written in simple English. Read information about your topic on this or other websites.(Read) Now write a short eesay about your topic.(Write) Next, talk about your topic. Record yourself as you speak.(Speak) Listen to your recording, correct your mistakes, and record yourselfs again.(Listen) Then choose a different topic and repeat the activities.


     想一个你想了解更多的一个话题,并上网查找信息。有一个好的去处是维基百科,这是一个纯英语网站。在这个网站或是其他网站搜寻话题的相关信息。(读) 然后写一篇有关这个话题的文章。(写) 接着,口头描述这个话题,并录音。(说) 听录音,改正错误,再次录音。(听) 最后选择不同的话题,重复上面的步骤。

四.Report the news

    Listen to an English language news report on the radio, watch a news program on TV,or read the news in English online.(Listen and read) Take notes as you listen or read and use them to write a short summary of the news.(Write) Next, record yourself as you give a spoken summary of the news.(Speak) Listen to your recording,correct your mistakes, and record yourself again. Then choose a different news story and repeat the activities.


     收听英语新闻,看电视新闻节目,或是在网上阅读英语新闻。(听和读) 边听或边读边做笔记,利用相关信息写一则新闻梗概。(写)接下来,将说出的新闻梗概录音。(说) 听录音,改正错误,再次录音。然后找另外一则新闻,重复上面的步骤。

五.Summarize a TV show or movie

   Watch a TV show or movie in English.(Listen) Take notes as you watch and use them to write a summary of the show or movie.(Write) Include your opinion. Say whether or not you liked it and why. Next, record yourself as you give a spoken summary of the show or movie.(Speak) Listen to your recording, correct your mistakes, and record yourself again.(Listen) Then watch another TV show or movie and repeat the activities.


    观看英语的电视节目或者电影。(听) 观看的时候记笔记,并根据所得信息写电视节目或电影的概述。(写)写下自己的观点,谈谈自己喜欢与否,并阐述原因。接下来,将口头概述录音。(说) 听录音,改正错误,再次录音。(听) 然后找别的电视节目或是电影,重复上面的步骤。

六.Review a book

   Read a book in English.(Read) Then pretend that you are writing a book review for magazine. Write a short summary of the book and explain your opinion of it. Explain what you like and didn't like about the book and why. Compare it to other books you have read.(Write) Next, talk about the book. Record yourself as you give a spoken review of the book.(Speak) Listeng to your recording,correct your mistakes, and record yourself again.(Listen) Then read another book and repeat the activities.


      阅读英语书目。(读) 然后假设自己是在为一家杂志社写书评,为该书写一篇短概述,并阐述自己的观点,以及喜欢与否,并解释原因,将它与自己读过的书进行对比。(写) 接下来,口头评述这本书,并录音。(说) 听录音,改正错误,再次录音。(听) 然后读另一本书,并重复上述步骤。

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