笃学奖-Topic 1科学简史-A12060-甘比精读

day 1



adj.[usually before noun]continuing for a long period of time without interruption•不间断的;持续的;长久的【SYN】continuous:

2. assert

verb to state clearly and firmly that sth is true•明确肯定;断言:

»She continued to assert that she was innocent.她仍然坚称自己无辜。


assert,declare,affirm,protest,avow mean to state positively usually in anticipation of denial or objection.

assert implies stating confidently without need for proof or regard for evidence  <assertedthat modern music is just noise>

declare stresses open or public statement  <declared her support for the candidate>

affirm implies conviction based on evidence, experience, or faith  <affirmed the existence of an afterlife>

protest emphasizes affirming in the face of denial or doubt  <protested that he really had been misquoted>

avow stresses frank declaration and acknowledgment of personal responsibility forwhat is declare  <avowed that all investors wouldbe repaid in full>

3. disprove

verb[VN]•to show that sth is wrong or false证明…是错误(或虚假)的:

»The theory has now been disproved.这一理论现已证明是错误的。


4. falsify/5fC:lsifai/

to prove or declare false:disprove

5. Lay foundation for sth:为。。。奠定基础。


noun(pl.hypotheses/-si:z/ )

1.[C]an idea or explanation of sth that is based on a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct(有少量事实依据但未被证实的)假说,假设 【SYN】theory:          »to formulate / confirm a hypothesis提出/证实假设

2.[U]guesses and ideas that are not based on certain knowledge(凭空的)猜想,猜测【SYN】speculation:

»It would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts.在我们还没掌握事实的情况下瞎猜是毫无意义的。


hypothesis,theory,law mean a formula derived by inference from scientific data that explains a principle operatingin nature.

hypothesis implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation

theory implies a greater range ofevidence and greater likelihood of truth  

law implies a statement of order andrelation in nature that has been found to be invariable under the sameconditions  

7. speculative  adj.

1. based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing allthe fact 推测的;猜测的;推断的

2. showing that you are trying to guess sth揣摩的;忖度的;试探的:

»She cast a speculative look at Kate.她带着疑问的眼神看了凯特一眼。

3. (of business activity商业活动) done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money投机性的;风险性的


8.compelling  adj.

that makes you think it is true•令人信服的:

»compelling evidence有说服力的证据


9. make sense of something

to understand something that is complicated orunusual

We’ve been trying to make sense of our dreams.

10.ingenious adj.

(of an object, a plan, an idea, etc.物体、计划、思想等) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的:

»an ingenious device精巧的装置

»ingenious ways of saving energy节约能源的巧妙方法

11 .astronomer:天文学家astronomy





1. to cut up a dead person, animal or plant in order to study it•解剖(人或动植物)

2. to study sth closely and / or discuss it in great detail仔细研究;详细评论;剖析:

»Her latest novel was dissected by the critics.评论家对她最近出版的一部小说作了详细剖析。

3. to divide sth into smaller pieces, areas, etc.把…分成小块:

»The city is dissected by a network of old canals.古老的运河网将这座城市分割开来。

dissection/di5sekFn;dai-/noun[U, C]:

»anatomical dissection解剖分析


1. a piece of iron that attracts objects made of iron towards it, eithernaturally or because of an electric current that is passed through it磁铁;磁石;吸铁石   loadstone:天然磁石

2.[usually sing.]~ (for sb / sth)aperson, place or thing that sb / sth is attracted to有吸引力的人(或地方、事物):

»In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment.这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。







婴儿潮(baby boom),指的是在某一时期及特定地区,出生率大幅度提升的现象。








联合国千年发展目标:MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs).


15 .harbour

. to contain sth and allow it to develop包含;藏有:

»Your dishcloth can harbour many germs.洗碗布中可能藏有很多病菌。

16. daunt·ing\ˈdȯn-tiŋ\adjective

:tending to overwhelm or intimidate



GMO:genetically modified organism


If I have seen further, it is by standingon the shoulders of giants.       --Isaac Newton

If you would be a real seeker of truth, itis necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, allthings. –Rene Descartes

I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seas hore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble…whilst thegreat ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. --Isaac Newton

Realityis merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. --Albert Einstein



笃学奖-Topic 1科学简史-A12060-甘比精读_第1张图片

DAY 3 



1.Scienceis an ongoing search for truth -- a perpetual struggle to discover how the universe works that goes back to the earliest civilizations.

Here, go back tocan be replaced by commenced or dated back to. But commence emphasizeon the starting "point", and dates back to emphasize on a"fixed" date. Neither of these can give readers a vivid picture ofthe "continual" struggle.

Go back:it people go back to a particular length of time, they have known each other for that length of time:

We go back a longway. = we have been friends for a long time= we have a history.

Peter and I go back 25 years.

2.Aristotle wrote widely on scientific subjects and laid foundations for much of the work that has followed.

Form the basis for classical physics.


3. Pay attention to the logical connections between your sentences. Don't jump.

4. If one object had twice the weight of another, it would fall twice as fast.

倍数表达:twice as heavy as another

5. Form a theoryto explain what is going on and then carry out an experiment to see whether the theory works

Here, we can use evaluate,prove to replace work.

Use small, simple words.

Word choice should be based on the situations and the context.

6.Pick holes in the argument

7. The same object in orbit round the Sun.

There is no articles between in and orbit.

Out of shape,come back into shape

8. Bounce back off the paper-thin foil.

Rutherford said it was as though anartillery shell had bounced back off the tissue paper.

Bounce on the table.

He stepped off of the train.

9. An experiment is all the more compelling.

10. But one experiment that fails may bring the entire theory crashing down.

Disprove, falsify,

Overturn the Earth-centered model

Quash forever earlier theories that dated back 1400 years.

11. Hypothesis,theory, law

14. Almost every advance depends in some measure on previous works and theories.

To some extent, to some degree

15. The theory was in turn depended on the discovery of cathode rays in 1869.

16. Those could not have been found without the vacuum pump.



17. Set up amathematical school.

18. The West later rediscovered the works of the ancients, and learned of the"Arabic" numerals.


In the works meansis being discussed, planed or prepared and will happen or exist soon.

It's already in the works.

learn of 表示听说、了解、知道,learn 表示学会。

20. This marked the birth of chemistry as a science,as distinct from the mystical alchemy from which it arose.

The first "as" means作为,the second as means "在此意义上,着重强调了这件事的意义,更进一层.

22. Soon a host of new gases were being investigated.

23. He opened up new fields of science,into which marched many otherscientists.

24. Palaeontology bacame fashionable as the remains of extinct creatures began to turn up.

Turn up= to be discovered

Show up emphasize主动出来,这里更偏向于中性的。

25. With the dinosaurs came ideas of evolution.倒装句式

26. His theory of relativity shaked classic physics.

27. Light was shown to act as both a particle and a wave.


28. The idea of blackholes began to take root.

Began to develop

29. some plants may even harbor life.

Harbor (n)海港(v)become a harbor to…成为…的海港,拥抱,包含


这篇文章主要首先是给出了一个科学的定义,接着讲了科学研究的方法:observation, form a theory, and do experiments。在接下里的部分主要是按照时间顺序,从古代、近代到现在科学史中具有里程碑意义的发现与理论的形成。而在在整个举例过程中,也体现了正确的科学研究方法、科学研究是循序渐进建立在前人研究基础上的、以及科技的发展对科学进步的促进作用。







经过三天的反复阅读,语言方面收获颇丰。除此之外,对于阅读的理解也更加深刻了。若是以前,这样一篇关于科学的文章、而且里面还全是各种科学家的举例,我大概是略读一遍,最多查一些生单词,就放到一边了。但是经过安妮的引导,从这种文章中也能榨出许多有用的知识。也理解了热身阅读active reading中说的“the more active, the better”的意义。在第一天的单词中,我主要积累了普通单词类的生词;第二天的思维导图中,主要分析了文章的结构和文章中相关的科学事实的了解,并且听了安妮的讲解。现在的第三天,主要是对之前全部内容的总结和回顾。三天一篇文章看似量不大,但是真正去落实的话,每天还是要付出几个小时的。当然,精读1篇的效果也比略读3篇效果好的多。

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