
Young Ghanaians risk all for "better" life


�Somemigratewithin Africa while others take the risky route to Europe


By Efam Awo Dovi

作者:Efam Awo Dovi 


Every week, in the Brong Ahafo Region — one of Ghana’s major food baskets — vehicles load up with men between 18 and 40 years old. Many, mostly the younger men, hope to reach Europe, while others head for more prosperous countries in Africa.Irrespective oftheir final destination, they have common aspirations: hopes of good jobs and better lives for themselves and the families they leave behind.


Kofi Twum made that trip years ago. He was only 18 and had lost his father at an early age. His mother, a subsistencefarmer, became the sole breadwinner of the family. When Twum completed junior secondary school, hehawked yamsto help his mother. But their living conditions worsened and Twum, fifth among six children, felt the need to work elsewhere.


“I wanted to go to Italy to be able to support my mother,” Twum toldAfrica Renewalfrom his home in the town of Nkoranza in northern Ghana.


In 2014, with financial support from his brother, Twum joined a group of 35 young men on a journey through the Sahara Desert to Libya, where they were to take a boat to Europe.

2014年,在哥哥的资助下,特乌姆和其他34名年轻男子踏上了横穿撒哈拉沙漠的旅程,他们将 在抵达利比亚之后乘船去往欧洲。

However,hoppinga crowded boat out of Libya on his third attempt to cross the Mediterranean, he was arrested anddeportedto Ghana. He arrived empty-handed. Twum, now a streetpreacherin his 30s, tellsAfrica Renewalthat he still hopes to make it to Europe one day, this time by some other route.


A hazardous journey


Most Ghanaian migrants trying to reach Europe via Libya go through Burkina Faso to Agadez, Niger. From there they join others from West Africa and other areas who are fleeing conflict and persecution.


With the services of middlemen, they travel on overloaded trucks in convoys and part of the way on foot through the Sahara Desert to the Borkou region near the Libyan border. It’s a death-defying experience. Many die from exhaustion and dehydration.

