
2016.09.17 BBC News 仅作个人翻译练习,侵犯立删。此文有BBC政治立场,不予相信。
Kevin Garratt在2014年因被指控窃取国家机密而被捕。他的妻子Julia Garratt在次年二月被保释。
他们在加拿大总理 Justin Trudeau进来第一次访问中国后解禁。

Kevin Garratt is reunited with his wife Julia Garratt in Vancouver.png

China releases Canadian in spy case after two years

A Canadian man arrested with his wife in China two years ago on espionage charges has returned home.
Kevin Garratt was held in August 2014 and accused of stealing state secrets. His wife, Julia Garratt, was freed on bail in February the following year.
The couple had been living on the North Korea border before their arrest, where they said they were helping refugees.
His release follows Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's recent first official visit to China.
