
I'm in the library, surrounded by people and books

I notice 'silence' on the wall, which forced people not to speak

I feel too quiet and want to find some sound to fulfill my ears

I look around, hearing, pondering, though silence everywhere

Suddenly I hear the huge noise made by many people

    who are in the books or writing their dreams outside the books

    who are guarding people's way or lead to the right way

    who are talking in silence from every morning to dawn

I'm walking on the street, passed by people and noisy shops

I listen to people's words and every song played by salers

I found no exit to run out from being burnt in the crowd

I look around, pondering, hearing, though noisy everywhere

Suddenly I see a bus coming and soon as I get on

    Hoping to leave the street full of complaining and fake smiles

    Hoping next station can be found as a quiet place in mind

    Hoping there will be cold water to clean the mess in my heart

I'm asking what I want or find in which place in the world

I'm shocked to find no idea about the answer at all

I'm at a loss to go straight and to move out of the fog

I look forward, hearing, pondering, though foggy everywhere

Suddenly my eyes are caught by the book held in my hands

    Which says that 'the vancant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear,

    And of this book this learning mayest thou taste.'

    At last, I find myself in silence and my heart at ease.
