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• 紧张刺激的即时战斗,在千人厮杀的战场上赢得胜利。
• 变化多端的参战阵型,在瞬息万变的战况中逆转局势。
• 激烈壮阔的军团大战,伟大的英雄们在战场中奋力拼杀。
• 精致生动的卡通画面,华丽酷炫的英雄技能。
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• 招募200名不同身份不同个性的英雄;
• 收集100种以上的强大装备;
• 养成真实感超强的8种士兵;
• 打败400关来势汹汹的敌人;
• 赢得300个以上的游戏生涯成就;
• 同世界各地的领主切磋战术。
还等什么,作为酋长的后裔,你承担起了开疆辟地,繁荣部落的重任 !
如有疑问请联系:[email protected]
Tower Defense: Monster Defense is a strategy game based on a classic defense game. Tower Defense reveals a story about the battle of humanity against dark forces from remote planets with evil intension destroying your Country. Playing this game, you will be in a role of a hero protecting our home and fighting against the most dangerous forces in the Earth. With the support of weapon wars, it have enough power to destroy our home. Let’s protect our home with extremely powerful modern weapons.
With colourful effects and vivid sounds, Tower Defense will bring a real fierce battle to player’s experience. You will be in the middle of the great wars among the stars with just a touch of a button. Don’t miss the chance to have amazing experiences with Tower Defense one of the most awesome strategy game of all time.
### Features:
- 20 maps with variety of geography, scenes such as village, snow mountain, … (Coming soon)
- Defending system includes 4 categories of weapon with 3 levels for each.
- 15 monster with various speed and power.
- Win 20 battle, defender will get the victory.
- Defender can speed up the pace of the battle.
### Tips:
- Defender needs to choose the right kind of weapon in the right time and position.
- Defender should upgrade one in good position first.
- Combo appropriate weapons brings more power.
- Defender have to practice to master putting weapon skill.
- Try different strategy to find the best.
If you are a fan of Tower Defense - Strategy game, there is no reason for you to miss this epic game version Robot Wars. No mercy wars against evil robots will satisfy even the most fastidious gamers. Download Tower Defense and become a great defender now.
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