A New Home 2 - The End


drive: n.[C] the hard area or road between your house and the street

pant:v.[I] to breathe quickly with short noisy breaths, for example because you have been running or because it is very hot

crimson: / 'krɪmz ə n  ; ˋkrɪmzṇ  /deep red in colour


weathered:affected by exposure to the action of the weather

boot:  ( 汽车的 ) 行李箱

consent:n. [U ] permission to do something


standing in the middle of a bed of roses( a bed of rose非常形象的表达,后面还出现了rose-bed)

She straightened up and turned and stepped out of the rose-bed as the child came running up.(straighten up:挺直身子,直起身来;当walk用到烂大街时可试试用step

And now somebody's probably tipped him off that the police are on to him and he's doing what they all do, running off to Spain where they can't get him.(tip off:告发;在Hammer那一章里有sneak on,也是告发之意,但又有不一样的地方,sneak on更像是跟家长或者老师打小报告的意思;be on to sb:发现某人做了错事,发现某人犯了罪;run off:逃跑)

They don't actually care tuppence about me!(tuppence:/'tʌpəns/ n. [U ] 两便士;微不足道的东西;not care/give tuppence:to not care at all about someone or something)

Mr and Mrs Wormwood and the brother were scurrying around it like ants.(scurry: to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry;scurrying around it like ants 非常形象的表达)

Matilda leapt into Miss Honey's arms and hugged her, and Miss Honey hugged her back.(leap into one's arms:小朋友跳到我们怀里的时候也可以这么说)

The car was pulling away with the tyres screaming.(pull away:When a vehicle or driver pulls away, the vehicle starts moving forward. 生活中应该会常用到这个词组)

Honey was still hugging the tiny girl in her arms. (这是我们经常抱小孩的姿势)

They stood there watching the big black car tearing round the corner at the end of the road and disappearing for ever into the distance.(tear: to run or drive somewhere very quickly, especially in a dangerous or careless way; disappear into the distance:消失在远方)


1)收拾细软的时候是这么说的:fill the suitcases,上文中还有stuff clothing and various objects into suitcases

2)将行李放进车里是这样的:pile in the suitcases;stow the suitcases into the car(每天读完书只会说put away your books的我以后可以说pile up your books或者stow your books onto the bookshelf了)

3)形容“惊掉了下巴”:Matilda stared at her open-mouthed.(之前the Sencond Miracle里是这么写的:Miss Honey's mouth dropped open)

4)形容“上气不接下气”:panting, out of breath, gasping for breath

5)形容“跑得快”:flew up the drive; Matilda's feet racing over the gravel; the child came running up; it was a wild and wonderful dash; Matilda and Miss Honey came dashing up; the big black car tearing round the corner


Hi Moms!很荣幸在年前最后一个工作日给大家带来全书的压轴导读分享。相信大多数妈妈都已经读完全书,对于故事情节我就不赘述了。但是书就是常读常新,每一次读都会有新发现,接下来我们一起来细细品读一些细节吧。

被虫木先生呵斥beat it之后,Matilda转身离家,她用了不到四分钟时间跑到了Miss Honey的家(大家记得前面描述的她家离Honey家走路是多久的路程吗?)。顺便说一下,第一次读到这里的时候我以为小姑娘要大义灭亲去找警察来抓她爸呢。

从Miss Honey的口中我们得知了虫木先生的罪行,令人震惊的是虫木不仅仅有书的开头我们读到的sawdust和篡改mileage这一系列的crooks,更是a receiver of stolen cars from all over the country。

当Miss Honey说完虫木的罪行后,作者是这么描写周围环境的:the lovely red-brick house,a warm golden evening,a blackbird was singing…有一点真相大白后人鸟皆欢愉的味道。



1.Matilda: moved up into the top form, living with Miss Honey

2.Miss Honey:  moved back into The Red House, got her late father's savings, living with Matilda

3.Mr.& Mrs. Wormwood& Mike:ran off to Spain

4.Trunchbull: done a bunk, vanished


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