

  • swif不允许nil传入,如果要达到能够传nil使用如下方法添加?这个符号标识是
extension NSAttributedString {
     init(string str: String?)
  • 返回一个可以为nil的返回值
func parseColorFromHexString(input: String) -> UIColor? {
     // ...


  • 值类型赋值和作为参数时都是复制的。值类型包括数字,字符串,数组,字典,枚举,元组和结构体
var a = "Hello"
var b = a
b.extend(", world")
println("a: \(a); b: \(b)") // a: Hello; b: Hello, world
  • 引用类型可以有多所有者,一般类都是引用类型
var a = UIView()
var b = a
b.alpha = 0.5
println("a: \(a.alpha); b: \(b.alpha)") // a: 0.5; b: 0.5



func hello(name: String, age: Int, location: String) {
     println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")
hello("Mr. Roboto", 5, "San Francisco")


  • 外部参数名称解决调用函数时不确定每个函数参数代表什么的问题
func hello(fromName name: String) {
     println("\(name) says hello to you!")
hello(fromName: "Mr. Roboto")
  • 如需要外部参数和内部参数名相同,只需要在参数前加上#即可
func hello(#name: String) {
     println("hello \(name)")
hello(name: "Robot")



  • 类中的方法参数调用和函数不同,第一个参数不被外部包含,后面的的参数会被作为外部参数名和objective-c一样
class MyFunClass {
     func helloWithName(name: String, age: Int, location: String) {
          println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")
let myFunClass = MyFunClass()
myFunClass.helloWithName("Mr. Roboto", age: 5, location: "San Francisco")
  • 如果不想显示外部参数名可以通过添加一个_解决
class MyFunClass {
     func helloWithName(name: String, _ age: Int, _ location: String) {
          println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")
let myFunClass = MyFunClass()
myFunClass.helloWithName("Mr. Roboto", 5, "San Francisco")


  • 初始化时第一个参数必须是外部的
struct Celsius {
     var temperatureInCelsius: Double
     init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {
          temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8
     init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {
          temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15
     init(_ celsius: Double) {
          temperatureInCelsius = celsius

let boilingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromFahrenheit: 212.0)
// boilingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius 是 100.0

let freezingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromKelvin: 273.15)
// freezingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius 是 0.0

let bodyTemperature = Celsius(37.0)
// bodyTemperature.temperatureInCelsius 是 37.0


  • 传参是Optionals时,需要做拆包,如下
func myFuncWithOptionalType(optionalParameter: String?) {
     if let unwrappedOptional = optionalParameter {
          println("The optional has a value! It's \(unwrappedOptional)")
     } else {
          println("The optional is nil!")

// optional has a value! It's someString

// The optional is nil


  • 设置参数默认值,一般都将默认参数放在后面
func hello(name: String = "you") {
     println("hello, \(name)")

hello(name: "Mr. Roboto")
// hello, Mr. Roboto

// hello, you


  • 可变参数,需要注意的是可变参数是在函数列表的最后一个
func helloWithNames(names: String...) {
     for name in names {
          println("Hello, \(name)")

// 2 names
helloWithNames("Mr. Robot", "Mr. Potato")
// Hello, Mr. Robot
// Hello, Mr. Potato

// 4 names
helloWithNames("Batman", "Superman", "Wonder Woman", "Catwoman")
// Hello, Batman
// Hello, Superman
// Hello, Wonder Woman
// Hello, Catwoman


  • 使用引用来操纵外部变量
var name1 = "Mr. Potato"
var name2 = "Mr. Roboto"

func nameSwap(inout name1: String, inout name2: String) {
     let oldName1 = name1
     name1 = name2
     name2 = oldName1

nameSwap(&name1, &name2)

// Mr. Roboto

// Mr. Potato


  • 一个函数中接受多个类型不定的参数。
func valueSwap(inout value1: T, inout value2: T) {
     let oldValue1 = value1
     value1 = value2
     value2 = oldValue1

var name1 = "Mr. Potato"
var name2 = "Mr. Roboto"

valueSwap(&name1, &name2)

name1 // Mr. Roboto
name2 // Mr. Potato

var number1 = 2
var number2 = 5

valueSwap(&number1, &number2)

number1 // 5
number2 // 2
  • 更多可参考官方泛型说明:


func findRangeFromNumbers(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {

     var min = numbers[0]
     var max = numbers[0]

     for number in numbers {
          if number > max {
               max = number

          if number < min {
               min = number

     return (min, max)

findRangeFromNumbers(1, 234, 555, 345, 423)
// (1, 555)

let range = findRangeFromNumbers(1, 234, 555, 345, 423)
println("From numbers: 1, 234, 555, 345, 423. The min is \(range.min). The max is \(range.max).")
// From numbers: 1, 234, 555, 345, 423. The min is 1. The max is 555.

let (min, max) = findRangeFromNumbers(236, 8, 38, 937, 328)
println("From numbers: 236, 8, 38, 937, 328. The min is \(min). The max is \(max)")
// From numbers: 236, 8, 38, 937, 328. The min is 8. The max is 937


  • 返回一个函数
func myFuncThatReturnsAFunc() -> (Int) -> String {
     return { number in
          return "The lucky number is \(number)"

let returnedFunction = myFuncThatReturnsAFunc()

returnedFunction(5) // The lucky number is 5
  • 为返回的函数定义一个别名
typealias returnedFunctionType = (Int) -> String

func myFuncThatReturnsAFunc() -> returnedFunctionType {
     return { number in
          return "The lucky number is \(number)"

let returnedFunction = myFuncThatReturnsAFunc()

returnedFunction(5) // The lucky number is 5


  • infix关键字表明运算符具有左右两个参数可以实现1 + 2 + 3 + 4 表达,比add(add(add(1, 2), 3), 4)这样更加容易理解
infix operator >|> { associativity left }

func >|> (filter1: Filter, filter2: Filter) -> Filter {
     return { img in filter2(filter1(img)) }

let myFilter = blur(blurRadius) >|> colorOverlay(overlayColor)
let result = myFilter(image)


The Swift Programming Language》中文版:http://numbbbbb.gitbooks.io/-the-swift-programming-language-/
