
Insomnia, just remember something. Has your life been bound by yourself? In the inherent social life mode, there is only one way to life. Frankly speaking, I have bound themselves to advance in their own thinking rather than. At the age of twenty years old will set the role of life, no surprise, no hi. I hate this way of life, but I have to give in to this way of life. Most of life, however, is not the external factors that bind you, but you can't walk out of the trap you set for yourself. Don't know who has seen a large book. How many people can't he try his way of lifemyself yet, but I'm not out of the shackles. I believe that one day I can do nine to five and wandering, Amitabha da.(汉译英使用百度翻译).失眠,随手记些什么吧。你的人生有没有被自己所束缚?在固有的社会生活模式中,设定人生只有一种生活方式。坦然讲,我一直将自己束缚在自己的思维里不肯前进。在二十几岁的年纪便设定了人生角色,没有惊,没有喜。我讨厌这种生活方式,而又不得不屈服于这种生活方式。然而,人生大多数时候不是外在因素束缚你,而是你自己走不出自己为自己所设的圈套罢了。不知道有谁看过大冰的书。他的生活方式是多少人所不敢尝试的呢?至少我现在还没有说服自己,还没有跳出所谓的束缚。相信有一天我既可以做到朝九晚五又可以浪迹天涯,阿弥陀佛么么哒。
