Words & phrases
1. Expound: to explain or talk about sth in detail 详述
Expound on
2. Harangue: 英音/hə'ræŋ/美音/hə'ræŋ/
a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion (长篇)演讲,慷慨激昂的演说
3. Hortatory: 英音/'hɔːtət(ə)rɪ/
giving strong encouragement 劝告的,激励的
4. Purport: 英音/pə'pɔːt/ 美音/'pɝpɔt/
If you say that someone or something purports to do or be a particular thing, you mean that they claim to do or be that thing, although you may not always believe that claim. 声称[正式]
Part Two- The third level of reading: Analytical Reading
6: Pigeonholing a book
Difference: a whole book ~ a short reading matter
Everything that we will say about reading books applies to reading other materials of the kinds indicated.
You are to understand, when we refer to the reading of books, that the rules expounded refer to lesser and more easily understood materials.
The importance of classifying books
Rule 1: you must know what kind of book you are reading, and you should know this as early in the process as possible, preferably before you begin to read.
Fiction & expository work
Expository works -
any book that consists primarily of opinions, theories, hypotheses, or speculations, for which the claim is made more or less explicitly that they are true in some sense, conveys knowledge in this meaning of knowledge.
Knowing an instuctive book but also knowing books are instructive in a particular way.
Rule 1 applies particularly to nonfictional, expository works.
What you can learn from the title of a Book
Questions: 1. What a book was about ?
2. What sort of book is it ?
The Rule 1 can only be made intelligible by drawing distinctions and thus creating categories that make sense and will stand up to the test of time.
One distiction in expository works: Theoretical & Practical
Practical vs. Theoretical books
1) Definition:
Practical: do with what works in some way, at once or in the long run
Theoretical: something to be seen or understood
To make knowledge practical we must convert it into rules of operation. We must pass from knowing what it is the case to knowing what to do about it if we wish to get somewhere.
Practical books: teach you how to do sth you want to do or think you should do
Theoretical books: teach you that something is the case
2) Characteristics:
Practical books:
One that says that sth should be done ( or made); or that this is the right way of doing ( or making) something ; or that one thing is better than another as an end to be sought, or a means to be chosen.
Theoretical books:
One keeps saying "is, " not "should " or "ought ". It tries to show sth is true, that these are the facts; not that things would be better if they were otherwise, and here is the way to make them better.
3) Kinds of theoretical books
Traditional subdivision: history, science, philosophy
How to find:
*the title with the word "history "
*the front matter informing us sth take place in the past
Knowledge of particular events or things that not only existed in the past but also underwent a series of changes in the course of time.
Criterion to determine whether a book is philosophical or scientific : if a theoretical book emphasizes things that lie outside the scope of your normal , routine, daily experience, it is a scientific work. If not, it is philosophical.
Seek Laws & generalizations
Seek general truths
感悟 & Summary
If someone tells you that 60% of your work will fulfill the normal standard, you will be apt to follow his standard but ignore the original one you have set for yourself. It is really what I have felt this morning after reading this confusing chapter. Skipping is easier than reading and thinking again. But I just insisted on and finished it. I hope to clear my mind as I read the following chapters.