从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars

一首超级酷酷的歌,了解整个宇宙。更多优秀教育资源,加萝卜mama 13913809339,进“和宝宝一起学英文”群。


从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars_第1张图片


We’re flying from the sun to the stars

Through this solar system of ours.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Flying from the sun to the stars.

Mercury’s hot and Venus is bright

Earth is where we live and Mars is red at night

Flying from the sun to the stars.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Last of all is little biddy Pluto.

Flying from the sun to the stars

Through this solar system of ours

Flying from the sun to the stars.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Flying from the sun to the stars.

Mercury’s hot and Venus is bright

Earth is where we live and Mars is red at night.

Flying from the sun to the stars

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Last of all is little biddy Pluto.

Flying from the sun to the stars

Flying from the sun to the stars

Flying from the sun to the stars

Flying from the sun to the stars

Flying from the sun to the stars

Flying from the sun to the stars.


从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars_第2张图片
从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars_第3张图片


从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars_第4张图片
从太阳飞到星星flying from sun to stars_第5张图片

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